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Future(s) Studies

Welcome to Futurology, a subreddit devoted to the field of Future(s) Studies and speculation about the development of humanity, technology, and civilization.

People Person's Paper People

Why waste time watch many show when one show do trick?

Fire Emblem Fans Unite!

A subreddit to discuss the Fire Emblem series of games, and associated media. Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical role-playing video game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. The Fire Emblem series is well known for its innovation and for being one of the first Eastern style tactical role-playing games, with a strong emphasis on Western forms of medieval folklore. The series currently spans 16 games, two crossover titles and a mobile game.

Gamestop Big Picture: The Short Singularity Pt 2

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This entire post represents my personal views and opinions, and should not be taken as financial advice (or advice of any kind whatsoever). I encourage you to do your own research, take anything I write with a grain of salt, and hold me accountable for any mistakes you may catch. Also, full disclosure, I hold a net long position in GME, but my cost basis is very low (average ~$45/share with my later buys averaged in), and I'm using money I can absolutely lose. My capital at risk and tolerance for risk generally is likely substantially different than yours.
First, thank you everyone for the comments and questions on my first post on this topic. Given the traffic and sheer volume of questions, I figured writing another post would be better (and actually something I can manage).
I wanted to focus this post on a few common themes I saw in the comments to the first post, as well as questions people were asking me directly, and related themes I saw on other posts and subs that I believe would be informative for this sub.
First, a simplified recap of the 1/27/2021 trading day as I saw it. The following is my interpretation of events, and may include personal opinions, assumptions, and outright errors. Apologies for the length, but I hope this helps some of the newer traders thinking about jumping into the water with these sharks. I honestly don't think that you should, but you make your own decisions. I'll just try to help provide some information to help if I can.

Euro Market Hours: Retail Euphoria & The Setup

After-hours and Euro market activity rockets the stock in an essentially unbroken streak from ~$146 to $365. GME long social media is going ballistic.
Volume is too low. There is no sell-side pushback. Allowing consolidation at these prices would be a major setback for the short-side, yet they are doing nothing on volume they could easily push back.
I smell a rat. This is too easy.

5am Eastern: Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (FUD)

If you ask most retail market participants about how quants with their algorithms, hedge funds with their trading strategies, sophisticated experienced traders, etc., conduct their operations, you will probably get responses about sophisticated programs and high frequency trading, fundamental analysis, risk hedging strategies, lots of math, etc. That is largely true, but it is critically incomplete. The most successful hedge fund managers also deeply understand that beneath the surface, the primal forces driving markets are fear and greed, and they know how to best leverage information asymmetry to play other investors--and especially retail investors--like fiddles.
As retail sentiment reaches fever pitch, Andrew Ross Sorkin gets a call from Melvin Capital just before the start of CNBC's Squawk Box, by far the most-watched pre-US market show and files a breaking news alert at the start of the show.
(Paraphrasing) Melvin Capital is out. They didn't go bankrupt but they came close and took a huge loss. Congratulations WSB, you've won and you've burned the house down, and now that the shorts are out this whole thing is going to crash and burn all the retail investors you dragged along with you.
"Who's going to be left holding the bag?... uh, the thing that concerns me most, at this point, is whether some of these investors will actually start to get out today--they'll look at this and say 'we won the game'--if that's winning, uhh unclear, you know, where the finish line is, uh in that regard, but uh, as much pain as they may have uh, created for Melvin Capital for example, umm, my-my great anxiety at this point is the number of-of retail investors that have been jumping into this uhh.. in literally the last 24 hours who very well may get hurt, uh, far more, and lose far more than some of the hedge funds that were involved, uh in this. Um, let's just show you where we are now..."
"Where are the regulators.. and is this just the beginning?"
Meanwhile, as if it had been choreographed and rehearsed, the Squawk Box team are outraged--absolutely outraged at what is going on, while a big graphic of GME price crashing off a cliff dominates 2/3 of the screen and social media is flooded with messages and posts skillfully crafted to stoke the fear.
In WSB, other subs, and other social media sites, dozens of bots start posting bogus messages purporting to mock the retail investors with messages like "Thanks for the free gainz retards!".
The fear is almost palpable coming through my monitor. People start trying to sell, then start asking why their market sell orders won't go through while they're watching a practically vertical dive on the GME chart next to Joe Kernan as he says "If you think there's speculation in crypto [...] and-and-now they're looking for the next mark, right? They'll-they'll find another Gamestop, once they're done with Gamestop, but in the meantime, there's gonna be BLOOD".
Congratulations Squawk Box--you beautifully played your part in engineering peak, nigh-hysterical fear among the less experienced retail investors, and basically shouted "FIRE!!!" in the market equivalent of a locked theater. I truly believe your feelings were sincere, and you truly do have concern for the retailers who have been and will be hurt in all of the volatility, but that made your actions all the more effective in driving many try to lock in losses. C'mon, you can do better--I've seen you do good work and am thankful for what you did getting good info out during the peak of the pandemic--please do some investigation before spreading only one side of the narrative handed to you by financially conflicted parties. You have analysts doing your background research--any of them could tell you the short interest in GME would take more than an entire trading day to unwind even if the buy-side of every single transaction that day was to close a short position and no new short positions were initiated. Also, any of them could tell you that it's unlikely Melvin Capital held 100% of all short interest in GME. Melvin leaving is not equal to all shorts being covered--and you didn't even get confirmation that Melvin actually covered! Get them to say it themselves on air rather than carrying their water and letting them ride on your reputation and providing cover from an SEC stock manipulation investigation.
Most retail brokerages don't open pre-market trading until around 7am. All those people could do was watch their positions bleed as GME plummeted over the remainder of the next 2 hours, hitting the floor of $182, nearly 50% down from the peak about 3 minutes before retail brokerages open pre-market trading.
Wow. I have to hand it to the short-side hedge funds. Some of your traders must have studied drama for their undergrad or something--that is almost perfect timing.
Almost, but not quite.

Pre-Market Tears... of Joy and Relief

The engineered crash was probably intended to run right through the open of retail pre-market, with the idea of getting panicking retail to sell into the low liquidity environment for more violent downward price moves without the benefit of Limit Up/Limit Down halts, causing a stampede for the exits. Man, how many hours did you guys spend thinking this strategy up? I'm honestly impressed.
Two minutes prior to pre-market open, however, some deep conviction, deep pocket players, understanding the market mechanics and fundamentals behind the recent wild ride in GME started raking in the shares at discount prices they probably never thought they'd ever see again during this campaign. I'm sure tears of joy were shed, as they realized floor-to-close of regular trading gains of nearly 100%. Whoever you are, well played.
I would note here that those people could easily have waited for the engineered crash to drain the blood of the fearful retailers who would have punched out, which would have allowed them to lock in greater share volumes at even lower prices, but they stopped the crash early instead. I don't know if that was their intention, but a lot of retail people were probably saved because of that.
With the almost literally last-minute reversal, price rode green candles upward through the retail pre-market open, and many who would have despaired and punched out to lock in losses instead white-knuckled through the chop and held, with very bullish action through to the market open. Those who survived the day--good on you, I know it couldn't have been easy.


Let's let the man speak for himself (and speak up for retail). Well worth spending 30 minutes to watch if you have the time. I have to give Scott Wapner credit--he asks tough questions and he repeatedly brings on guests that he know will go toe-to-toe with him with the gloves off to ensure that there is a good, vigorous debate representing diverse viewpoints. Be on the right side of history big boy, lol.
Skirmishing continues at lower volume than the last 2 trading days. Bullish patterns everywhere--buying up on high volume, straggling down on low volumes. Liquidity is running out. Short-side is rationing, saving ammo for the end-of-day push.

Shenanigans, End of Day, More Shenanigans

At various points throughout the day, levers are pulled to flush retail positions out by margin calling profitable accounts across many of the retail brokerage firms, changing margin requirements with no notice.
Short-side attacks coincide with ominous warnings on news media about potential regulator action, short-side touts spreading FUD across mainstream media.
Short-side's rationed insufficient shares to make meaningful progress on the last tick of regular trading. This is key, as prime brokers of highly levered players pay a lot of attention to the status of accounts at the end of regular trading each day.
After hours it looks like more retail traders are dumped out of their profitable portfolios due to margin change requirements--right into the abyss of super-low after-hours volume. Had their brokers at least liquidated their accounts toward the end of the main trading day into meaningful trading volume they would have gotten much better returns. Dumping them into no volume means the last few accounts took massive losses vs mark to end of trading day market price. Thank, you brokerages, for protecting those people from themselves. Hopefully they took lower profits vs being dumped into the red.
Some people see the diving ticker and panic again.
One thing that was particularly irritating to me is that people were all over CNBC multiple times a day, making outrageous claims of how retail traders were slamming risk into the market via leveraged trades even as the retail brokers changed their policies in realtime to disallow use of any margin in accounts holding GME, and dumped those retail traders out of their positions. I knew what kind of volatility to expect, so I had maintained a net cash position in my account ever since buying, just in case something like this happened--thank goodness.

Technical Analysis for the Day

I wish this sub would allow charts, but I'll describe instead.
On the daily chart, RSI has been in an ascending channel since April '20(!), and rocketed to 98+(!!!) at the end of the trading day. Price is dislocating wildly higher every day for the past 4 days into descending volume.
My read of the chart is that it shows massive buy-side dominance into worsening sell-side weakness and lower liquidity. I read this as mind-meltingly, parabolically bullish, and something that would not be possible if not for the distortion of the supercritical mass of short interest, and I guess this is what a short squeeze looks like when you have access to all the data retail fintech can provide. The technicals tell me to expect massive volatility, but also that this is possibly the most asymmetrical risk environment imaginable.
I feel bad for the retail shorts that I know were out there. I saw a few posts about people taking short positions because Andrew Left got on TV and told them GME is going bankrupt, it's going back to $20, and he's an expert unlike you reddit amateurs, and by the way about 30 other experts followed and backed him up over the past few days. For this reason I'm glad that many of the retail brokerage firms have disallowed shorting GME and other volatile names. I hope they got out before their accounts got obliterated.

Lessons Learned

I wondered what kind of things you might see when billions of dollars were on the line, and I have to say that the short-side guys know how to go all-in and pull surprise after surprise out of the hat. They are good at manipulating people, letting them build up euphoric feelings only to slam them in the face with nonstop fear. They do it in media, and they do it in sudden price-crushing rushes, slamming the ticker down to try to get weak hands to fold. As I stated earlier, I am trading deep in the money, on capital I can afford to lose, and even I can't avoid feeling it. I honestly don't know how some of you trading on borrowed money meant for next month's rent can handle it.
The short-side players are running out of ammo, but they don't just go toe-to-toe in the market--they'll blanket media and even flood your discord server, message board, and social media with well-coordinated bot attacks. You will face those moments of stark terror--they are good getting people to feel fear. If you're thinking of getting into this trade--please understand that before deciding whether to jump in. You might not think that a stock that's been going basically vertical could leave long-side casualties on the field, but believe it--fear and volatility can get you to zero your account (or worse!) in any environment.

FAQs from the First Post (comments and messages)

(answers are my opinions only--do not take as financial advice. I've consolidated common themes.)
First, each person decides on their own what trades they choose to make. However, I will say this: Fear is giving you this anxiety. Maximum FOMO is when you see green candles going up until the fear makes you punch the buy order in. Maximum despair and fear of life-altering losses hits peak during deep downward price movements, making you punch out to avoid losing your entire position. Fear makes you buy high and sell low. HFT houses are full of algorithms designed to exploit fear through the price movement, and find gaps in your risk mitigation strategy (e.g. stop-loss hunting algorithms, etc.). If fear is driving you to trade, I urge you not to swim in low-liquidity waters with sharks who specifically make their money exploiting fear.
You may be surprised to hear that I, and likely many others have thought quite a lot about these things. In fact, I hold about 75% of my capital in the same type of boring IRA and 401(k) accounts you're talking about, and I maybe rebalance them a few times a year and don't even check the balances regularly otherwise.
As for what kinds of impacts there may be--in all honestly, no one knows. Specifically, no one knows because no one knows exactly what the levered hedge funds involved hold, how they trade, etc. The massive short interest in GME is basically a deliberately engineered market distortion that is now blowing off, and distortions blowing off are always scary, and can spell financial damage or disaster for the unprepared.
That, however, is part of the market. To paraphrase Dr. King and Keynes, the arc of the market may be long (and longer than you can remain solvent), but it bends toward efficiency, given the right conditions. The US stock market is pretty good in this respect.
Now I won't deny that these hedge funds are run by smart people, but they occasionally get either arrogant or too clever for their own good and get caught. In GME they essentially voluntarily engineered themselves into a short squeeze entirely on their own while no one was even looking. In fact, the only way the trade works is if no one ever finds out and GME quietly goes bankrupt. In the meantime, a legitimate fundamentals-based turnaround story came to light and just lit the fuse. They’re crying now about being cornered, but they walked into that corner themselves, then dug themselves in so deep that the only way out was GME bankruptcy, and sat there for a year just assuming GameStop would go bankrupt while no one was paying attention and they’d take their free money and walk. If this doesn't make sense, and you have a free 20 minutes and tolerance for mild profanity, I suggest you watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EUbJcGoYQ4
Anyway, That being said, market "corrections" are aptly named, even if painful, because they are, in essence, corrections of various distortions in the market. The longer they go uncorrected, the harder, faster, and more drastic the move when it does happen--with usually worse consequences (see the 2008 financial crisis, which was a distortion 10+ years in the making before blowing off).
I have no idea. I wasn’t looking at Hertz at the time. Obviously it's different in that GME is not going bankrupt despite what some people on the news might say (honestly, I don't understand their apparent conviction on this given most of them profess to not even know any details about Gamestop).
The sense I get is that some people realized that many stocks had their prices artificially suppressed by the pure panic in the market at the time, and were likely to bounce back. Stocks crushed down to penny stock land could easily bounce back multiple hundreds of percent just by moving back up by $1, and if you had a good reason to think they'd survive, that's a pretty good deep value trade.
Some people seemed to jump on that bandwagon with the mistaken idea that you should basically just scan all stocks for things <$5 today that used to be >$20 or whatever and assume the 90+% drop will result in a bounce off the floor, even if it’s a “dead cat” bounce on the way to $0. DO NOT TRY TO TRADE THIS.
The theory is that a $100 stock that drops to $10 on its way to bankruptcy could bounce back to $15 first—a return of 50% if you time the floor and the bounce perfectly. In practice almost everyone who tries this loses all their money much sooner rather than later.
By the same token, people who “know” a company is heading to bankruptcy get their accounts wiped out when they short something on margin right as it hits a floor on the way down, get margin called on the bounce, and subsequently join the company in insolvency as they end up owing their broker more than they put in. Being right in the end is cold comfort at that point.
I guess it could, speaking entirely theoretically. That being said, consider the following:
They’ve already filed to issue $100mio worth of shares, or 500k shares using $200/share as a price assumption. I don’t know if they’ve begun to execute on that.
That was just to give them the runway required to take bankruptcy completely off the table.
As you note, at these prices, using stock to finance a turnaround is absolutely feasible.
There are, however, a few things to consider:
  1. They have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders. They need to be able to justify how issuing even more shares is ultimately beneficial for the company and shareholders. “Because our stock price is high right now” is not typically a compelling reason, though maybe these circumstances are an exception to that rule given the extremity of the price.
  2. While a healthy balance sheet would be an improvement, debt is usually cheaper than equity when it comes to financing a company’s activities. If they can secure solvency with the $100mio stock issue already authorized, and leverage the healthier balance sheet and insanely improved market cap to instead borrow what they need to restructure, especially in this ultra low interest rate environment, that would be better for the company and shareholders.
  3. They can’t just make a snap judgment to do so. It takes time, board approvals, regulatory paperwork that is public, etc. There is a lot of work and potential risk in this process—particularly for this company.
  4. Even if they did this, the incredible total volume of short interest being squeezed means that in practice it would be hard for the share issue to change the trajectory of the stock. The main effect might be to terrify some retail longs into bailing out of their position depending on how the news is presented to them.
That may be true in some ideal theory assuming you are trading in some kind of mathematically ideal market using very specific assumptions, but you’re trading in a real market that includes things like counterparty risk, regulatory and contractual limits on ability to borrow (at least in theory--Hello SEC, threshold securities list??), interest cost, etc. that make trading in an real market different. I'll build on Box by saying all models are wrong, but some are useful--within the bounds of certain assumptions. The situation playing out now tells you that the short interest of GME is wildly outside the bounds of whatever models the hedge fund people are using to model position risk.
You can, in theory, infinitely roll your debt forward if you can continue to find willing lenders and are ok paying interest forever. Maybe this works out to be mathematically preferable to a squeeze to infinity.
But, step away from pure theory for a moment. We don't even have to look at empirical evidence in real markets. All we need to do is build a stochastic model of an equity market sophisticated enough to model margin limits and dynamic account balances tied to securities being traded as they are in real markets and you’ll see the probability of continuing to carry a short position converges to 0 over time. The only question is which happens first: you cover proactively, the underlying company goes bankrupt (and you cover for $0 less interest paid to borrow the stock), or you’re margin called and forced to cover with potentially unlimited downside. Take bankruptcy off the table as we have in the case of GME and you have one of two choices--get out or eventually get squeezed out. There is no such thing as infinite ability to roll borrowing forward in real markets, and if your risk models assume that I feel sorry for you.
I am not a lawyer. I do not give legal advice. And, honestly, I have no idea. I can't think of any securities regulation that at least I may have violated, but I also don't have the ability to lobby the SEC on international news.
I don't know, and most likely anyone who tells you they know is kidding themselves. All I see is a good fundamentals-based position I bought into at a reasonable but bullish valuation followed by the most bullish chart I've ever seen from a TA perspective. I have theories, but there are doubtless other people better qualified to opine on that.
All I can say is if you're in the trade, strap in and prepare for a wild ride. If you're watching from the sidelines get out the popcorn. The rate at which liquidity is disappearing means whatever is going to happen will happen soon (assuming the SEC doesn't step in with an extended pause in trading to bail out the hedge funds).
Thank you for reading, and good luck with your trades.
*Update from Original Draft, 1/28 Pre-Market\*
We're seeing tons of retail brokerages limit trading on GME to only allow selling, even when current positions and intended trades would be cash only?
Wow, I mean it kind of occurred to me in some sort of theoretical, abstract sense that somehow limiting large swathes of retail to sell-only was actually better than a general 2-way trading suspension, but who knew the short-side people could actually get retail brokers to do something so bonkers?? I guess you really do find a way to try basically anything when you're about to lose that much money.
*edits to fix formatting issues*
submitted by jn_ku to investing [link] [comments]

The moderators of /r/AMD do NOT condone locating scalper auctions, leaving dozens of absurd bids, so as to repeatedly derail a scalper's opportunity to make a sale and ultimately de-incentivize PC hardware scalping.

There have been some whispers through the grapevine in many internet communities about a sad, wrong, and mean practice that I can only describe as pure evil. Folks, today I learned that there are people out there that use software tools to derail eBay listings for scalped graphics cards. Yes, that's right... people are using software to give themselves an unfair advantage in the exchange of PC hardware from manufacturers to consumers! WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING!? For example, see this well-known, already completed, eBay auction from days ago. Evil cyber criminals decimated this totally innocent and honest listing with dozens of fake bids. They bidded so rapidly, the lister couldn't even cancel them all - So sad!
Doing this isn't a good idea because it could get your account banned from eBay... unless you were to use, say, a VPN service to make a bunch of throwaway eBay accounts and stockpile their logins in a spreadsheet or something haha... IDK... or maybe everyone in the bid history is safe as long as the upper-most bid is fake? I don't entirely know how this dark underbelly criminal enterprise works, I'm just here to get the word out. So very shocking, all of this.
Again, do NOT do this. Scalpers are providing a valuable service to the PC gaming community when they pay $5 for bot scripts that snap up entire shipments of hardware from etailers and then automatically create auctions on other websites, pulling a 10x turnaround before the hardware even hits the first warehouse's shelves. It would be wrong to use bot scripts to deprive them of their right to trade graphics cards - just put yourselves in their shoes. They would never use technology maliciously to deprive you of a graphics card trade, would they? No. Never.
Also - do not create, share, and use bot scripts or other software tools designed to derail these auctions with said throwaway eBay accounts (fully automated, or machine-assisted via URL scraping, doesn't matter). It's simply a very immoral and reprehensible thing to do. This should go without saying, but it's also very wrong to create and share public anti-scalper Telegram channels and Discord servers with the sole purpose of sharing eBay listings with each other for you, or your bid-bombing bots, to... well... bid-bomb. Very bad - do not do.
Again - Please do not do any of these things. They will only get the account, and its hundreds (possibly thousands, if you bot) of dirty bids, banned from eBay (unless, again, the account merely drove up the bid price but wasn't the winner of the auction - they'd just be able to claim "Oh, I bought something else because I didn't win. If only you had told me 5 minutes sooner. Darn!").
Just imagining the distraught and panicked look on this poor scalper's face when they're forced to stay up late into the night doing real, actual work, cancelling bids for hours on end as new stock trickles back onto the shelf should be enough to motivate you to not do it. They'd miss out on so many interactions with their loving friends and family that definitely exist. It just breaks my heart! What kind of awful person would use bot software to turn the tides of online sales in their own favor and deprive PC users of hardware? So very sad... to think, with each passing week, the shelf price falls further and further below what the scalpers paid on launch day... sometimes to the point that they might begin to wonder if their main source of income being "owning someone else's graphics cards" was a smart long-term idea...
So, anyways... thanks for reading.
submitted by Tizaki to Amd [link] [comments]

Introducing BryonyBot: A New Way to track GTA Weekly Content Updates and Sales

Introducing BryonyBot: A New Way to track GTA Weekly Content Updates and Sales
Hey everyone, Dan6erbond here.
As many of you might already know, I'm a moderator and software engineer for this sub, and would like to officially announce our second project which will finally add some structure and neutrality to how the weekly updates, which are a big part of the information this subreddit offers, have been handled in the past.
Long-time users of the subreddit will be aware that there are certain personalities that have evolved over the time and reliably brought us a list of the sales, new content and featured missions whenever the updates are released. It's an effort that they chose to make without payment or anything to gain from it, and it's extremely appreciated.
That isn't to say everything has been smooth sailing, though. These kind of undertakings come with some drama, something we intend to change now. Which is why we are officially phasing out community-made posts in favor of those posted by BryonyBot. This post is all about answering any questions, clearing up any confusion and of course, showing you guys our roadmap for this project, since we're very excited to release it and hear your guys' thoughts on it!

What Will Change?

Very little. Anyone who has previously been posting the sales, is free to continue doing so. There's a unique flair to each of these posts, and they offer different levels of detail and their own formats. Which I'm sure everyone here appreciates having the variety and the choice to share to their favorite Discord servers, crew members, and friends.
But in the past the moderator team hasn't been able to be impartial, and favored one post which came on a weekly basis by pinning it for the entire week. That won't be the case anymore, all community posts and their visibility are from now on controlled by their popularity with Reddit's voting system. Instead, we will be pinning the posts made by BryonyBot.

How Does The New Bot Work?

Anyone interested on the technical details of this system is free to read more about it in my blog post here or check out the GitHub repository!
Unfortunately, we haven't figured out a way to automatically gather the data required, without some crazy AI or machine learning based systems (outside of this scope), so in effect this bot acts as a layer between people who check the sales, and you guys. We developed a dashboard, that allows community members we hire to edit the weekly updates, and the system will reflect those entries in real-time in a weekly post. Here are some screenshots of those panels:
Weekly Update Editor
Vehicle Editor
Mission Editor
Property Editor
This system allows us to neatly keep an inventory of pretty much any purchasable item in the game, missions and then aggregate those in the weekly updates. We also already web-scraped most of the vehicles in the game, so our database is pretty much complete with all the required information. The updates are also visible on a public site here. This part of the site has already been refined by the very talented Frish to look like the GTA pause menu:
Embedded updates
But since we're aware, that most people come to this sub to quickly get the information they need, we've done our best to generate a Reddit post that brings together the best of all the community posts we've seen over time; the simplicity of some, and the rich amount of information found in others. Including links to Wiki pages, information about the price, shop and and percentage by which an item's price has been reduced. The post looks like this:
Weekly Update Post

Can I Contribute?

This new system still relies on human input and the more people we can get onboard to maintain the inventory and updates, the better. So we're offering more moderation positions for anyone that wants to be a part of this, including those who have previously been publishing their own versions of these updates.
The web application that natively displays the updates is also something we'd like to tend to, possibly offering notifications and an app for users to install on their mobile devices in the future. It's also going to require some optimizations if we want people to be able to access it and have quick loadtimes/avoid the limits set by our provider (Google Firebase).
All these things require development effort and your guys' input and feedback, so it's always welcome! Any developers interested in becoming part of the project are always free to PM me or the moderator team and we can see about working something out.
Lastly, we want to explicitly note here that we don't have any agenda with this project. It's all offered for free, and we're doing it in the interest of having an unbiased, neutral post pinned weekly that you guys can rely on. The system is all about delivering you guys the information in the most convenient way possible, we understand your feelings about phasing out other members who have been doing this work in the past, but like we said, they aren't suddenly going to disappear, they're free to continue posting, but won't be getting pinned anymore in favor of a system that the mods are running themselves.
submitted by Dan6erbond to gtaonline [link] [comments]

The Rise and Fall of the Terran Federation (Warning: LONG)


The origins of the Terran Federation began long before EVE Echoes was launched. The relationships between the individuals and corps (that would determine the shape of things to come) had their beginnings in previous games. The most dramatic of these relationships was the extremely bitter one between DEAD and GenFed. I'll spare you all the dramatic details, but suffice it to say that from what I've seen, both sides crossed a lot of lines. While I like to think it's old history, that kind of bad blood doesn't just fade away and will be relevant in the later portions of this history.
As a side note... there are definitely parts of this story where I could point fingers and openly criticize people. I do believe that certain individuals do bear more blame than others... However, I will do my level best to not insult anyone and try to stick to the facts as much as possible. I am dead (get it, DEAD) certain that some people will accuse me of spinning this one way or another, regardless, but I do not make a habit of lying. Check my videos, check my post history, ask around... you should all be able to tell that I have a sense of humour, and can admit when I've lost or made a mistake. On that note, if you notice any factual issues or gross mischaracterizations of events in this, PLEASE let me know and I will do my best to investigate and correct them.
I should also add the disclaimer that this is how things unfolded to the best of my knowledge. I didn't have a seat on the DEAD Leadership team until mid-September, and my insight into alliance leadership waxed and waned as the Discord server was updated and roles/channels were added/removed. Much of my knowledge regarding drama and conflicts from Second Galaxy is second- or even third-hand knowledge.
Also, unfortunately, the TF discord server has largely been deleted by now, and much of the history is lost to time. I do have quite a few screenshots, but I feel it would not be in good taste to share most of them. Sorry.


Truth be told, I'm a little hazy on the exact origins of the Terran Federation, as I didn't play Second Galaxy or any of the EVE Echoes betas. I just saw a catchy looking recruitment poster and joined DEAD the day after the game launched, on August 15th, 2020.
Even in these earliest of days, we were already beginning to move into WY-9LL, a system with an NPC station in Fountain. In these humble beginnings, we would rat by scouting Fountain for special anomalies and then throw dozens of trainer cruisers at it. There were issues with loot thieves, desync was crazy, prices were a mess, but NPCs were much tamer at this time, so you could get by with juggling aggro by warping out when the enemies began to yellow box you.
Before the end of August, the alliance had been officially founded. Thus, [TF], the Terran Federation, was born, with alliance ID 2000000018. The founding members (I'm including those that joined within a few days of inception) were:
  1. [ATLE] Atlas Empire, the executor, run by Keltan 01
  2. [ATLS] [ATLAS], run by Chevron7
  3. [DEAD] Dead Space, run by Likander
  4. [DUNE] Atreides, run by ChasedFlame
  5. [TLC] The Lobster Cult, run by Riful Abyssal
  6. [AGRO] Aggressor, run by Jack Woodcock
Please do make note that ATLE and ATLS are different corporation run by different people. This will be relevant later. ATLE was the executor, ATLS was a co-founder.

The Rise

As more groups started moving into Fountain and as more players started joining, the alliance swelled. Some corps joined because of strong personal relationships, such as DUNE and SIN joining TF to be with DEAD. With more corps joining, new alt corps required to handle the overflow, and secondary alliances, TF2 and TF3 were both founded before the end of September.
Fairly early on, [ATLE] Keltan 01 appointed [ATLE] LordDragon (who went by Hateful / Lustful in-game) as his sky marshal. Unfortunately, due to disagreements about doctrine and other conflicts, [ATLE] LordDragon didn't last long and was replaced by [ATLE] BATMAN before the end of September.
The growing pains were not too bad, in the beginning. The greatest source of drama and headaches were ratting claims. The different corps and CEOs wanted to handle things in different ways. Some CEOs wanted it to just be a total free for all, others wanted rules about claiming systems, others wanted separate spaces for separate corps, etc. Eventually, the matter was put to rest by dividing up Fountain into regions for each corporation to rat in. Each group was responsible for coming up with their own set of rules for handling who got what and how.
This freed up the leadership to focus more on doctrines, PVP, and diplomacy. From the very start, TF was a "fuck the blue doughnut!" kind of organization. The goal was to never have too many blues and to find and enjoy PVP content on a regular basis. We had neighbours in Querious and in Delve who were both reliable for providing content. Occasionally they would send roaming fleets at us, and sometimes we would send roaming fleets at them. We knew that if we lingered around certain staging locations long enough, they would eventually form up. We won and lost many fights this way. The general theme of these engagements was that our forces were almost always smaller, but more disciplined and more effective. We usually went home with more killmarks gained than losses.
We set alliances red, we set alliances blue. We went to attack outposts, we went to defend outposts. We were part of one of the first capsuleer outpost kills (technically the second, but it was the first one to do the whole shield->armour->structure rigamarole). We fought in wars for the sake of fighting wars; we wanted to be a lean, mean, fighting machine. And for the most part, we were.

Tensions Rise

I'm going to try doing this without naming any names. To be perfectly clear: DEAD was not without fault in all this, but we were far from the sole perpetrator. Some of the worst interpersonal issues that occurred in TF were actually between officers of two corps that weren't even any of the co-founders.
Anyhow, the summary is this: There were occasional disagreements between leadership (CEOs, directors, and FCs). For the most part these could be worked through, or resolved. However, some key people in positions of power in the alliance generally did not respond well to criticism, and some had the unfortunate habit of hearing constructive criticism as a personal attack. Some particular officers seemed to carry a grudge towards the officers of another corp.
When any issues escalated too far or when arguments got too heated, the solution was always to either 1) shut down the conversation by temporarily kicking someone from Discord or 2) remove the forum of discussion in which it was taking place (e.g. delete #officer-chat). Issues never got resolved, they got deferred. This kind of aversion to conflict is a death-sentence for any organization.

New Friends, New Foes, New Wars

In the beginning, we had SHH set to blue, as Keltan01 enjoyed working with Mr.PayToWin to develop and try out new tactics. However, a couple blue-on-blue incidents occurred due to sluggish standing changes. I don't know if it was a flex or a misunderstanding, but war eventually broke out when [PEW] Tahini stole some loot from a TF gatecamp in Syndicate and [DEAD] KiithSa decided to engage in some spur-of-the-moment "diplomacy" by erasing the small, blue [PEW] fleet from existence to retrieve said loot. In terms of the war itself, there were some skirmishes and some relatively large battles but each side was many jumps from the other and the conflict eventually petered out just due to sheer inconvenience. No structures were destroyed. However, TF made allies with FF and HONK over a mutual distaste for SHH.
Around mid-October / early-November, Keltan 01 had to step down for personal reasons with plans to return in 2-3 months. He appointed his second-in-command, [ATLE] BATMAN, as the new Alliance President.
In Delve, the two main groups there were HappyBees and PIBC. We eventually PIBC set to blue and HappyBees to red. The "plan", such as it was, was for us to help PIBC wage war on the HappyBees (who had drawn more corps to their banner and formed Pantheon). Pantheon spent a small fortune hiring MC to wage a month-long campaign on PIBC. Due to TF's support (at least nominally) for PIBC, Pantheon had MC add TF/Fountain into their contract.
However, we ended up not coordinating well with PIBC, as we were preoccupied with our war vs SHH and fighting MC. At least twice, PIBC asked us for help in a defensive CTA and the person responsible for doing so in TF forgot to make an announcement... this resulted in them losing an outpost, worsening relations with them, and possibly costing them the war in the end. This was deeply embarrassing. I can only speculate whether or not the "forgetting" was intentional or not...
(Aside: Regarding "the botting wars", TF never received any payments or transfers of any kind from PIBC. We did hear rumours of some of them botting, but we pressured them to publicly condemn the practice and remove the violators, which they did.)
Pantheon, having some breathing room after evicting PIBC, decided that TF was becoming a real thorn in their side. They did not appreciate the content roams we would send their way. While from our point of view it was just fun PVP content, from theirs it was an invasion into their home and an attack on their community. At this point they started regularly sending large fleets and hitting outpost timers on a regular basis.
From the skirmishes between MC and TF, a mutual respect was born. Both were respectable fighters with a fondness for PVP and "gfs in local". With the Delve contract completed, TF offered MC a small, but central, part of Fountain as an industrial base of operations and a place to call home when not on deployment. In return, MC would be obligated to call a full CTA to help defend any TF structure timers.
After the NORF alliance disbanded in distant lands, some of the ex-NORF corps (e.g. UNFS) merged into TF and formed TF4, expanding our ranks and securing our border with Querious.
Far beyond our borders in Fountain, on the other side of Querious, lay the Genesis Federation. GenFed has always been both very large and very displeased with DEAD. Pantheon and GenFed are also close allies. While GenFed rarely sent any large fleets our way, they would occasionally send roams into our space and set up CovOps gatecamps. Additionally, the leaders of GenFed and assured the leaders of Pantheon that if push came to shove, GenFed would back Pantheon up in the war against TF. Furthermore, GenFed would tell anyone who would listen how toxic DEAD was based on old history from Second Galaxy.
Meanwhile, in Querious, Trimark and other alliances had banded together to form the Querious Coalition (QC). Being a less bloodthirsty alliance than TF, QC had gone blue with with their neighbours, Pantheon and GenFed. Although we continued to send content roams into their space, things had remained relatively neutral between TF and QF (although there was some bad blood between EVO1 and QC). We had an informal agreement not to hit each other's structures. A roam from FT (False Trajectory, part of QC) did hit one of ours first, but they promised it would not happen again. However while Pantheon were hitting our structures, QC would usually be gatecamping near our staging systems. Feeling that this violated the spirit of the understanding, Evolution and Likander lead forces into Querious to hit QC structures. At this point QC voted to enter the war efforts fully. They started hitting TF structures too, and coordinating more with Pantheon. There was some posturing between QC and TF, which resulted in the now infamous "I'll be frank you you guys. You're an indy alliance." copypasta.
On one of these Querious offensives, we brought some allies with us, FF and MC. Unfortunately, alliance leadership had not properly communicated standings and while FF had set MC blue (because they knew MC was in Fountain with us), MC had not set FF blue (because MC's thing was "TF would be the only hard blue"). This lead to the MC fleet attacking the FF fleet. So FF traveled over 50 jumps just to get wiped out by blues. Thankfully, FF were very understanding about it, and told TF that we could let bygones be bygones if we just helped them hit a SHH outpost up North. However, TF leadership declined to grant this request because FF said TC would be there joining the attack. This was an unfortunate misunderstanding because TF leadership thought FF was talking about "The Collective" (part of QC) but FF actually meant "The Coalition", an unrelated entity. That's a facepalm for the history books and it soured the relationship with FF.
Another infusion of fresh blood occurred when the RFC coalition (comprised of RET and WOLF) moved into Fountain and merged with TF under their original alliance banners. These alliances added much needed fresh blood, although they did not integrate as completely into the TF fabric.
Around early December, PEW left SHH, the Silent Alliance, and joined MC, returning to Syndicate to be pirates when not on deployment. This lead to the somewhat awkward scenario of being blue with [PEW] Tahini (the CEO) after he had been at the center of events that lead to the war with SHH in the first place...

The Fall

It was around the second week of December that the fateful, final battle of 7BIX-A would occur.
(I was not creating YouTube content at this time, sadly, but [GOON] Gengar094 has some great videos of the fights: armour, structure)
Pantheon and QC sent a full coalition CTA to hit the structure timer. MC helped run gatecamps on the invading forces, and TF called in allies to assist with the defense. However, due to our approach to diplomacy, the bulk of those forces didn't end up participating. Some didn't join because we had snubbed them, some didn't join because they refused to fight alongside Tahini. Regardless, at the end of the day, we had far fewer allies coming to our aid than hoped for. Karma's a bitch.
Without more reinforcements, TF was unable to kill off the attacking fleet in time, and the station ended up exploding. This was a pivotal moment in the war because it signaled to TF that despite their best efforts they could not hold their objectives. With sovereignty on the near horizon, this was a particularly demoralizing event. Were we going to anchor Corporation Outposts only to have them go the same way as the Spice Factory? On one hand there was hope that with larger health pools, we would have more time to kill off the enemy fleet before losing the structure. On the other hand, if GenFed actually decided to enter the war it would seal our fate.
Another pivotal nail in the coffin was that GenFed made MC an offer they couldn't refuse. GenFed, being so large and having control over so much territory, offered them two whole constellations in Period Basis. All they had to do in exchange was to set GenFed to perma-blue and never take any contracts against them. This gave MC more, and cost MC less, than the deal with TF in Fountain did. Naturally, they took it, removing a key layer of defence for TF in Fountain.
As the holidays drew near, activity took a hit and leadership began self-reflecting a little more critically. At the same time, Pantheon announced a cessation to full-CTA activities, but simultaneously announced a tournament to see who could get the most kills in Fountain. This resulted in Fountain being constantly roamed by multiple small-to-mid sized red fleets, with few TF pilots ready and willing to form up and take them on. Each TF corp largely stuck to their own pocket of space, venturing out less frequently and less confidently.
A few days before Christmas, a CEO meeting was held to discuss the problems facing the alliance. One of the newer CEOs suggested a system of checks and balances, because there were some concerns with the president's decisions and approach to diplomacy. Likander could only be present for the first 5 minutes of the call. He said that it wouldn't hurt to have some sort of process for decision making, as he shared many of the same concerns, then had to go. That same CEO then decided it would be a good time to air some grievances... things got very heated, apparently, and BATMAN ended up feeling hurt, and betrayed by his CEOs.
Many of the CEOs who remained on that call believed that by the end of it, grievances had been aired and issues had been resolved. However, immediately after, BATMAN made the fateful decision on Dec 22nd to announce (to his own corporation only) that they were leaving the alliance. This caused mass confusion as news of this leaked into the alliance Discord without any formal alliance announcement being made.
Once details started emerging, Likander and others practically begged Batman to stay and to not leave, but he didn't want to deal with the stress and the drama and just picked up his corp and left Fountain. Ironically, that same CEO who had antagonized him so much on that call then quit the game shortly after... I can only guess that he was also burning out and vented his frustrations on his president? I don't know exactly, I wasn't there on that fateful call, but everyone who was has said pretty much the same thing.

The Aftermath

Along with ATLE, EVO1 and AGRO also left. (EVO1 to join ATLE and AGRO to go their own way.) Considering that TF was already on the ropes in the war vs Pantheon/QC/GenFed, this was a very bad turn of events, and essentially spelled the death of the [TF] alliance.
On his way out, BATMAN appointed [DEAD] Šystem Errør as the interim alliance president. This surprised all of the existing CEOs (including Likander) but seeing as none of the other CEOs (again, including Likander) wanted to step up and lead the alliance, they temporarily tolerated the appointment.
System Error first attempted to persuade BATMAN to remain / return, but despite his best attempts this effort yielded as much fruit as previous attempts had. System then began attempting to engage in diplomatic talks with our enemies to try to understand the nature of the war and possibly negotiate a way out of it. More on this later.
Still reeling from the shock of the executor leaving with barely a word, the remaining corps had a decision to face. How to proceed? Broadly speaking, each corp had a few different options that they were considering:
  1. Stay in Fountain and try to form a new alliance with the remaining corps
  2. Leave Fountain to go join MC as mercs
  3. Leave Fountain to go do their own thing elsewhere
  4. Stay in Fountain under the enemy's banner (i.e. join Pantheon or QC)
Around December 24th / 25th the CEOs held a meeting to discuss how they should proceed. The strong preference was to go with option #1. A democratic process saw [3PT] A Large Mealworm (of the RET alliance) elected as the interim alliance president. Ironically, this the first time many of us had heard his name. In an effort to maintain some semblance of continuity, Mealworm immediately appointed System Error to a new council to help lead the alliance.
However, for this path to succeed, a lot of things needed to happen very fast:

Betrayal and Black Lists

Those efforts each would take time. Time that we did not have. Each corp was simultaneously considering the remaining alternatives even as we all endeavoured to try to make the new alliance a success. As the days slipped by, we would occasionally hear of yet another corp leaving. For example PI betrayed us and flipped to join Pantheon and join in the war efforts against us and PHPC decided to leave peacefully to go join MC.
On an alliance-level, diplomatic efforts hit a dead end. Pantheon and GenFed had both published a list of names of individuals and corps who were "black listed". While some of the names on these lists were understandable, others were utterly bizarre. Some, such as BATMAN and Likander were on the list because of their role in leading the alliance, others such as KiithSa and Aaronius were on the list because of their trashtalk, while others yet, such as random line members or junior FCs were on there for no discernible reason at all.
Furthermore, Pantheon was absolutely stonewalling us. We could not even speak to their diplomats / leadership. We only really heard about these things second hand through diplomatic contacts elsewhere who had been told that if they took in any blacklisted entity they would be immediately set red and warred out of existence. (See here for a bit of context to get a sense of just how much Pantheon hates DEAD.)
Attempting to cut through the bullshit and red tape was exhausting and frustrating to the extreme. Many of our diplomats burned out and quit over the holidays due to this (including System Error).
For the record, no one has ever gotten a clear picture of exactly why Pantheon hates DEAD so much. (Related reading: Pantheon/SonBanana vs DEAD)
These black lists essentially forced our hand. For example, we considered joining MC, however due to their relationship with GenFed they could not accept us. Similarly, we also had an offer from EA to join, but QC leadership vetoed it because of the pressure from Pantheon/GenFed.

Civil War and Dissolution

Although [3PT] A Large Mealworm had been appointed as interim alliance president, the executor corp of RET was WECU. Much like DEAD, or any other group in Fountain, [WECU] ValkSki was considering ways forwards for the organization(s) that he represented.
I am very murky on the details, but what I believe happened was that Mealworm had asked ValkSki to reach out to Pantheon to see about opening up a diplomatic dialogue for the new alliance. Meanwhile, Mealworm worked on continuing to build the new alliance. Either some miscommunication occurred, or some wires got crossed, because ValkSki came back with an announcement that he was going to take RET and join Pantheon. I'm not sure exactly how this went down but it caused a Dwarf Fortress-esque loyalty cascade... some RET corps decided to stay and try to build the new alliance with 3PT, others decided to go with WECU (and remain in RET), others (like the entire WOLF alliance, part of the RFC coalition with RET) just "noped" right out of the whole thing and headed back to where they came from before moving to Fountain.
Setting all else aside, I don't believe the vast majority of the people involved had a clear way forwards. To stay with RET was to betray the new alliance. To stay with the new alliance was to betray RET. For Mealworm to decide the new alliance would be in Pantheon would be to betray all the blacklisted members. After Valk made the call for RET to join Pantheon there simply was no course of action for any member of RET to take that didn't involve betraying someone.
As this civil war unfolded, Likander finally decided to go through with option #3 and get out of Fountain. It was clear that #1 was not going to work, and DEAD and its members occupied the lion's share of space on the blacklists. We believed that our departure would make peace in Fountain a more viable prospect. Some other corps decided to follow us to our new destination and continue working together, such as DUNE and 3PT.
Unfortunately, this move did signal the final nail in the coffin of the new alliance. Every remaining corp had to either leave or join Pantheon / QC. Some corps, such as AL left Fountain to join other alliances. Some corps, such as UNFS, joined QC but set us blue while we left Fountain. Other corps, such as ATLS, joined Pantheon and immediately started gatecamping us as we tried to leave with our assets. These final betrayals hurt the most, as people we had fought together with for months turned their guns on us.
We hired MC to run protection for our exfiltration, and got most of our assets out in one piece. However, lots of ships, materials, and members were lost in the move. There were some standings issues, as GenFed decided to come in and hit us as we were leaving, but MC had GenFed set perma-blue. Additionally, some of our members turned out to be more loyal to ratting in Fountain than they did to the team. But at the end of the day we became truer to what we always wanted to be: a lean, mean, fighting machine.


DEAD & friends moved to the other side of the map. We originally intended to lay-low for a while, living on the border of LowSec / NullSec and rebuilding. However, as those of you who have seen my videos or read Reddit already know, this is not what happened.
We ended up joining the Angel Cartel Republic (ACR, a large Chinese alliance) as their English-speaking / NA branch. In a 24/7 game like EVE, it's always good to have international allied and good timezone coverage.
The timing happened to be actually quite fortuitous, as we ended up assisting them with the world's first corporation outpost kill by destroying GenFed's citadel in ZID-LE.
All in all, the Terran Federation was a roller coaster ride, and a very interesting alliance to be a part of. Mistakes were made, and we weren't perfect, but I'm sad that it died the way that it did. However, I'm happy to have been along for the ride and even happier with our new direction.
o7 and good fight!

With Love,
[DEAD] Diskciiple

EDIT: Apparently TruZealot has written up an explanation of some of the bad blood from Second Galaxy. If you want to go check it out next for some even deeper context, here it is: https://www.reddit.com/echoes/comments/ifzkg1/i_dont_know_why_genesis_is_so_mad_at_us_were/g2rir8u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
EDIT 2: Fixed some spelling and grammar, also fixed the details of the various MC arrangements.
EDIT 3: Keltan is back! What timing... Removed a couple speculations on motivations
submitted by Diskciiple to echoes [link] [comments]

RTX 3080 Launchday Thread - Part 2

Part 3 here: https://new.reddit.com/nvidia/comments/iywmsa/rtx_3080_3090_launchday_thread_part_3/

Latest Update - September 21, 2020 @ 12:15pm Eastern

Update from NVIDIA - Link Here

Too long to quote. Please visit link above.

Manuel from NVIDIA - Link Here

I can't comment for our partners but we will have more cards next week. Users who previously signed up to be notified but did not get a chance to place an order will receive an email when the store has been updated with additional GeForce RTX 3080 graphics cards.

Manuel from NVIDIA - Link Here

We are not ignoring the Captcha request. I have passed on the feedback from the community regarding Captcha to the team that manages the NVIDIA Store.

Update from NVIDIA - Link Here

This morning we saw unprecedented demand for the GeForce RTX 3080 at global retailers, including the NVIDIA online store. At 6 a.m. pacific we attempted to push the NVIDIA store live. Despite preparation, the NVIDIA store was inundated with traffic and encountered an error. We were able to resolve the issues and sales began registering normally.
To stop bots and scalpers on the NVIDIA store, we’re doing everything humanly possible, including manually reviewing orders, to get these cards in the hands of legitimate customers.
Over 50 major global retailers had inventory at 6 a.m. pacific. Our NVIDIA team and partners are shipping more RTX 3080 cards every day to retailers.
We apologize to our customers for this morning's experience.

Personal Message from NVIDIA

Hi guys, I don't know where to start but I think an apology is a good start. I'd like to apologize for the state of the subreddit today. I can't stress enough that today's measure was the last resort. I've gone through 3 launches with this community and each have its challenges and share of issues but what happened today was truly unprecedented and never in a million years I could imagine what happened. There was just no way for us to keep up with everything without the measures we took. This is not ideal so again, I'm sorry.
As someone who's looking forward to purchase RTX 3090 next week myself, today's event really concerned me and I can definitely sympathize with y'all. I really hope NVIDIA gets their shit together before next week.
That said, I'd like to outline the path we're taking to restore the subreddit:
  1. The old "RTX 3080 Launchday Thread" will be locked and redirected to this one. That thread has over 35k comments and it's overdue for a new one
  2. This thread will be the new hub for discussion regarding various launchday madness.
  3. All launchday related discussion (posts and comments) must be contained here. Anything else will be removed.I will be sure to forward this and the previous thread to NVIDIA.
  4. Newly posted threads on /new will be unlocked with the understanding that the comments will be on topic. PLEASE DO NOT POST LAUNCHDAY RELATED COMMENTS ON THOSE THREADS. ESPECIALLY THE DRIVER POST.
  5. Subreddit posting will be restored soon after. This is contingent on the regular threads unrelated to launch are not being spammed with launchday comments.
Lastly, any updates from NVIDIA will be added to this thread. Please keep an eye on this thread.
P.S. Subreddit posting has been enabled since last night (Thank you for keeping the comments on topic). Also, please watch this video from Gamers Nexus for some perspective about the launch
If you’re interested in Founders Edition or partner RTX 3080 cards from various etailers, this can be done via NVIDIA site here and click "See all buying options." when it's available to purchase.
Best Buy Online in the US will also carry RTX 3080 Founders Edition. Local store may have some stocks in the US but no guarantee.
Subreddit Protocol:
Reference Info:
RTX 3080 Review Megathread
RTX 30-Series Information Megathread

Remember not to buy from scalpers (fuck em). If you are buying from website that allows 3rd party sellers (e.g. Newegg/Amazon), please make sure you are buying from said retailer. Anything else means you're buying from scalpers. Do not buy from scalpers. Treat the product as out of stock and wait if the official retailers are not selling them.

submitted by Nestledrink to nvidia [link] [comments]

How to INSTANTLY calculate the quality of ANY artifact in 2 STEPS: Presenting shrubin's Artifact Rater Bot (Discord)

How to INSTANTLY calculate the quality of ANY artifact in 2 STEPS: Presenting shrubin's Artifact Rater Bot (Discord)
Edit: I'm sleeping now 12:20pm UTC. shrubin should be up in a couple hours to answer questions!
shrubin#1866, one of our KeqingMains theorycrafters, has tested and developed this bot over the past couple months. Its source code is public and viewable here on [https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=774612459692621834&permissions=19456&scope=bot) (this bot is Discord verified).
  1. Be in a server with Artifact Rater Bot OR DM Artifact Rater Bot (Artifact Rater#6924)
  2. Have a decent quality screenshot of the artifact you want to be rated. (use Windows Key + Shift + S, then CTRL-V/Paste into Discord - ty u/Vanilaa)
  3. Languages supported: English, German, Spanish, French, and Vietnamese (with plans to add more)
Sample Artifact
  1. Type in -rate, then paste your screenshot into the same message
  2. Press enter to send the message, then see the results.
  3. (optional) Customise the substat weightings to fit your purpose

What does it do?

  • Rates your artifact against a theoretical perfect 5* equivalent and gives you a Gear Score Rating for the Main Stat and Substat.
  • Gear Score Rating
    • A quantitative measurement of how much the artifact piece will increase your character's "power level".
    • The higher this score, typically the more ideal this piece is for increasing DPS
  • Main Stat Rating
    • Rated based on the stats available for the artifact.
      • For example, Flower and Feather can only roll flat HP and flat ATK respectively, so it will always be rated 100%
  • Substat Rating
    • Rated based on weightings assigned to each stat. By default, here are the weightings. These weightings may be changed via a custom command (use the -help command for details)
      • ATK%, DMG%, Crit - 1
      • FlatATK, EM, Recharge - 0.5
      • Everything else - 0


The following recommendations generally apply for any artifact piece with 100% Main stat rating (+20).
  • <50% Substat Rating
    • Fodder
  • 50-75% Substat Rating
    • Acceptable as a transition set
  • >75% Substat Rating
    • Use for endgame
    • It will be difficult to roll a better piece.
  • >90% Substat Rating
    • Blessed by Geodaddy Zhongli
    • Remember to lock it!!

How does it work?

  • Using OCR, the bot scans the artifact's stats, then determines its value compared to a perfect 5* artifact.
  • What is a perfect 5* artifact?
    • 4 starting stats
    • Best type of stats rolled and upgraded
    • Best possible tier of upgrade per roll (substat upgrades do not add a fixed value)
  • By default, this bot rates artifacts compared to a 5* DPS artifact. If you value other lines, you may customise the weighting to suit your purposes. Please use the -help command for more information on how to do so.

Support and Questions

  • For questions and support, please go to the Artifact Rater Support Server
  • If you are a translator and would like to help add more language support, please join us!
  • As well, if you have any feedback or ideas, we would love to hear them.
submitted by Chillicillin to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

[META] New or Returning Player? Welcome (Back) to WARFRAME!

"An imminent threat grows. You must prepare.''

Warframe is a game grounded in familiar ideas permeated with distinct style and flair. You, a mysterious warrior with an unclear past, wield gun, blade, and the spectacular power of your Warframe. You contend with a totalitarian clone military, a high-tech merchant cult devoted to profit, and an ill-fated bioweapon designed by a fallen super-civilization. In your battles and adventures, you become a savior of the weak, a saboteur of the wicked, and a survivor against immense odds. Uncover your past, unlock the power of your weaponry, and unite with other players against the game's villains and its difficulty.
Whether you're joining us for the first time or are a returning player, the moderation team at Warframe would like to welcome you (back) to the community and to wish you a happy 2021!
This is one of the official fan sites for Warframe, and we're happy to have you join us! We've got users from all over the world and all walks of life, ready to give their assistance or have discussions for your needs. Below is a basic introduction to the game and the subreddit.

Here are a few important resources to get you get started!

The official Warframe Quick Start Guide will get you playing in no time!
The official Warframe Quest Guide is also here to steer you on your way through the story
Fortuna Map and comprehensive guide to the cold Venusian surface will help you brave the largest open world expansion yet!
Plains of Eidolon Map and getting started on Plains of Eidolon, two helpful resources written by the community for the community!
Unofficial Warframe Handbook written by DapperMuffin and updated by TheStonedDerp ! Whether you're new or returning it’s highly recommended you give this a look.
Fennyface's Beginner's Guide ! the most comprehensive and robust explanation of the new player experience in the community.
Folren's Riven Bot Discord, By Folren ! A discord bot server dedicated to answer the main question: "is this riven good?" Note: The bot is currently being reworked and is not functional for the time being.
Beginner's Gun Modding and Melee Modding Guides, by Mogwin ! A how-to on the basics of weapon modding.
Community Tier List by sakai4eva ! Perfect for seeing what is regarded as "good" or "bad" in the world of Warframe. Please remember that everything can work if you put time into it! Alternatively, you can try searching for recent tier lists.
Community Guide to Farming Resources by ByteRoster ! A perfect place to find out where to efficiently farm for the materials needed for that gun you've had your eyes on since the start!
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Welcome Tenno! We'll see you in the stars!

submitted by DrMcSex to Warframe [link] [comments]

What Hero should you Invest in Next? Outsmart the Tierlists with this Guide to Planning your Priorities!

What Hero should you Invest in Next? Outsmart the Tierlists with this Guide to Planning your Priorities!

What Hero should you get next?

Hey Reddit! What's your best next priority? How do you capitalize on your early decisions, or how can you fix a broken account? I've been working hard over other platforms recently, but I see a lot of people here confused - I even had someone tell me there's no need for guides if there are good enough tierlists, I told him even the perfect tierlist is context blind so it's prone to mistakes. Panic ensued - but don't fret, because today we're coming in with a strong guide for your priorities! I'll start with a teaser.
The X stands for conteXt. Attention span getting lower over generations, so I couldn't afford the rest of the letters. The acute of you might notice column 3 is column 2 that was pulled down a little.

Meta, Tierlists and The Guide ( Skippable )

This post is going to summarize the video, so for tidbits of information and the full picture, you should definitely check it out! The idea with the guide is you'll know what you need to get next by the time you finish reading this, and why. While this was in the working, I've gotten asked a lot - Linker, why are you working on this? Aren't the tierlists enough? And no, they aren't. So what are some mistakes you're prone to make if you blindly follow a tierlist, and why read this at all?
One example that's easy to understand is Arthur's value is MUCH higher if you have Gwyn, Ainz, or Khazard. That's because as a support hero he enables either dimensional cores or a carry like Gwyneth and Khazard with his signature item. If you don't have anything that goes with Arthur he becomes less trivial to use - sure he can tank in Daimon sets, but Brutus, Thoran, and Alna can, too. That's just one example - so I made this visual.
I wanted to call this a visual guide, but that would be like praising quality wheat for being very good pasta.
Before diving into the opinion part, let's talk about what we know from the replay dataset. We know most players usually do 1 carry set until chapter 31, and then they start using other teams. We don't know exactly when they start building said teams, that's the tricky part - but one can infer that if all these teams are endgame viable, pivoting between them according to what you're closest to building can't be too bad. Campaign isn't all there is to the game though - that's why the guide itself has 2 sections:
  • The first section is the top 5 campaign meta teams, each has a row with 3 sections: Earlygame, mid to lategame, and endgame.
  • The second section has to do with anything that you want to prioritize that isn't on the meta team - these are going to be heroes that are good in PVP, TR, Or good alternatives for campaign.
The top 5 teams were decided based on replay data alone. Burst usually going into aggressive enemies, Daimon going into tankier ones, Godcomp where lockdown is possible, Ainz decimating most anything, and lastly Thoran. You don't have to use these teams: There are incredibly viable alternatives we'll get to, and many more if you aren't just endgame oriented, but we'll focus on the ones we see working in the endgame as an example. While you can spec into any hero you want and fun is the ultimate goal of the game, you should be aware if you stray too far away from the meta - while off-meta teams can work, you're more prone to errors and getting stuck if you build around them.

A Tale of 5 Sets - What's the Next Priority?

With that disclaimer out of the way, Let's go over each meta team and have a deeper look into it at the early to midgame stage: Eironn enjoys every bit of investment he gets. Levels, gear, signature item, Furniture, all of it. He enjoys all kinds of support here, often even at elite: Lyca, Safiya, and Tidus are prime examples. Other supports that need some more investment include Rowan who needs access to his signature item and Ferael. If you want to play Eironn early, try to find these alongside Skriath to prepare for the next stage.
The next stage is mid to lategame, extending into the early chapter 30's. This stage requires access to some resources. In Eironn's case, it's an ascended Skriath with 3 pieces of furniture. Having Eironn invested and Skriath with 3 pieces of furniture will grant you access to the notorious 5 pull set, allowing you quick burst and control over many enemies. This set works great into aggressive enemies, and at that stage, many of Eironn's allies will really enjoy some investment if you main this set. The main investments you should look at are:
  • Lyca's +20,
  • Any investment into ferael or rowan,
  • More power to Safiya who at this stage can land meaningful damage with her ultimate,
  • Gear, signature item investment, levels and more into Tidus - that allows him to CC and damage better -
These are your prime goals when trying to embolden your Eironn set.
Before we talk about the Endgame section with Zolrath: Deja Vu. :)
Lastly for the endgame - this is around the end of chapter 34 right now and might change later as the devs modify campaign. If the earlygame is mostly factional and the mid to lategame is somewhere in between, the endgame is mostly oriented towards auxiliary support heroes that aren't easy to get, all at high investment. Vanilla 5 pull for example is almost nowhere to be found. It's almost always supported by Zolrath with furniture, making the burst set significantly quicker, killing weakened enemies. Another hero that often goes in this set in the endgame is Lucretia - While she can pull off her own sets in the last 2 stages, here the support she gets from 5 pull is crucial, making it one of the strongest sets in the game. There are other picks that can go here, but all require investment - a good example would be Orthos, Slowing enemies while you gain haste from Lyca, and synergizing well with Zolrath. While that set takes investment, it works wonders, often pushing minimum power requirements in the hardest stages of the game - and every bit you invested into Eironn in the earlygame will pay off here.

Now that we covered all the sections for burst, we can get right into Daimon comp - Early to midgame, Daimon doesn't take much support. As long as you have him, you're pretty good to go. He often enjoys certain supports even at low investment much like Eironn: Tanks that cheat death like Brutus, Thoran and Satrana can work wonders - if you want your earlygame Daimon to go even further beyond, consider investing in these. Later on, in the midgame, he still works on his own, but often needs signature items and furniture for consistency. You will probably need access to at least 2 good heroes that go with him, but many heroes work in his favor: Brutus you can see here, Thoran still, but also auxiliary supports like Rowan and Twins if you can afford to fragment them. Lastly, in the endgame, there's one specific character that Daimon enjoys more than most: Alna. Alna isn't just immune herself - at complete furniture she also gives immunity to another ally, being a core ally to daimon. If you run daimon early and have the time to gaze one hero before the endgame, Alna is a good decision - she'll make him very consistent later.
While people love to hate maulers, note how they found their way into both the first sets. Will this guy shake things around? Art by the wonderful WenM.
Next up is the godcomp. I'm an advocate of early gazing, more on that in the wonderful podcast I've had with u/Aimb, Check it out! Still, a celestial when approaching the midgame, Linker, Why would you say that?
Because I recommend early stargazing and twins are the single best hero in the game except for Rowan. If you gaze them early enough you can get a decently invested copy around the middle of your chapter 20's, which will allow you to run the budget variant of the godcomp relatively easily. Gazing early isn't consensus, so mind your step if you decide to do it - but I am all for it. Especially if you know what you're doing:
Saurus and Tasi: They're both substitutes to Talene and Mehira, and they have incredible synergy together. If you are running this early, definitely invest in Saurus' signature item - it will push you both in campaign in Twisted Realm. Rowan is an obvious investment to make, the single best hero in the game, and lastly Ezizh. If you don't have Ezizh, Ferael. That set can push very high deficits, and the only celeshypo you have to gaze here is twins. Think about it this way: Gazing is 500 diamonds, Summoning is 300. Gazing is 2% for a hero, Tavern is 4% for an elite. Gazed celeshypos to tavern elites are at about 1 to 3 - and ascended twins and rowan are often worth much more than most any 4 ascended heroes.
Imagine Flexing. I would never. This is just for the facts, obviously.
I digress, Even Saurus Tasi Ferael Rowan Twins is so good it'll often allow you to push very close to minimum power in the first stages, which is why you should consider investing into this pricy set early. Now that set evolves into something much scarier in the midgame - If you do your priorities right and gain access to heroes like Ezizh, Mehira, and Talene - this set will be almost unstoppable.
The new dimensionals we'll talk about in a second make this set the best single set in the game, so if you have Ainz and Albedo, definitely consider this route. If you do have this set in the midgame, definitely invest in the heroes. Rowan, Talene, Mehira, Tasi, and Saurus all love their signature item abilities, and Ezizh and Twins enjoy the stats. Ainz and Albedo are some of the best investments you can make in the game - and if you have that set, you can get rid of the worst set of enemies in campaign with almost zero effort. The support heroes here can easily fit into other sets too - Running Saurus instead of Talene can give you a Talene to run with your Daimon set, for example. Lastly in the very late game you need to invest in most of the heroes you've already gotten, and start considering some niche heroes here - Alna sometimes fits, as well as Mortas, but this set is so good it'll mostly benefit from general investments like Elder tree, Signatures and Furniture items the most.

The Arena Defense set of yours truly. \"Why isn't life fair?\", rose a heckler from the crowd. \"It's meta, and possible to counter, but boy is it annoying\". Eironn Burst into Twins, or a Mehira Ainz lockdown godcomp, Or a Lucretia Alna +9 set. thank me later.
The fourth set is Thoran cheese. Now those of you who watched any video I made in the past know I have a personal bias against it, however, I have to say it like it is - That is a viable endgame set. You reflect the damage back to the enemies, and with enough replays, you can pave through most aggressive teams. It only really takes Thoran to work, and since he can reflect near-infinite damage, with enough retries it can win most anything - so once you've grabbed Thoran in the earlygame, you can start trying this if thats what you like. This set takes a lot of retries into sets it is good against in the earlygame and in my experience even much later, but regardless - it can work if you're persistent enough. To make it work better in the midgame be sure to grab Thoran's signature item +1 and some core supports he enjoys even at elite:
Nara Kelthur and Athalia are good examples, since they displace enemies. u/Aimb podcast ( Check it out, it's really awesome, aged like fine wine ) brought to my attention Oden and Pippa displace enemies favorably and are easy to pivot into portal core in the endgame. Eironn pull cores can also make Thoran do what he does more consistently. In the endgame you want to give Thoran his +30, and invest in very specific heroes that can still be meaningful as Thoran dies: Lyca +20, Ezizh and Talene sometimes, as well as Kelthur and Flora - both of them can still damage enemies while Thoran is doing his thing.
Now if you don't like cheesing like me, or don't have the next hero we're going to talk about, we'll mention other great sets that are on the edge of the top 5 in just a second, But first, let's talk about Ainz. I've made so many videos about Ainz and Albedo at this point, and people still somehow doubt them. The scalings are just too strong. In the early game you likely won't have Ainz at high enough investment, also most earlygame players might have a rough time gaining access to Ainz when they could have - So to build into Ainz if you grabbed him at that point I would recommend using a mage carry or something like Daimon who enjoys the same supports. When you get to the midgame, it's Ainz and Albedo. Get their signature items and their furniture. It is that good. In the lategame, invest in them some more. It is really that simple. If you run Ainz and Albedo into any set you'll know. Albedo's furniture isn't worth it, but anything else is, And they also enjoy certain other dimensionals invested due to Albedo's signature item buff. Obviously, they can flex into the single strongest set in all modes of the game which is Ainz Godcomp, But they work even without it, letting you save these important heroes for a separate set - which is what the meta is centered around right now.
Sinister look. The OG's will remember him as the lead cause for Battle of Blood ragequits.

The Story Continues: Alternatives

I don't have access to one of those teams, one of those teams just doesn't fit anywhere in my stage, I have another hero well invested, what do I do? This segues me to the next section - other sets. There are many viable sets for campaign that are slightly less consistent than these 5, but are still common to see in the endgame and worth investment. Let's quickly go over them at no specific order.
Izold is a carry on his own. I covered his counters in the Izold Hero Analysis Video, but into certain teams he can pull off incredible stunts. Have him in the earlygame, invest into his +3 and +30 in the midgame, and lastly get his +9 alongside valuable allies like Rowan and Silas, and he'll be good to use in the endgame, check out my video with Volkin for more details.
Gwyneth decimates static backlines. She hates the burst that gets ever so stronger at endgame campaign deficits, but into specific enemies that you'll find on many endgame sets she's incredible, solidifying her 6th set endgame status at about 60% of endgame replays. She likes Arthur, Rosaline, and either Estrilda or Hendrik as core allies in the midgame, as well as her signature item at 25 for haste and value. In the very lategame she enjoys access to auxiliary supports, like Khazard or Joker, but sadly Zaphrael often does what she does better.
Invade teams with Skreg and Tidus or Stall teams around Orthos Talene and Flora often share many of the same heroes, and Celesgraveborn often grants flexibility - investing heavily into heroes like Skreg and Flora will allow you to run those effectively, and they go with many allies that can flex into different sets like Ferael.
My favorite hero. That's the only time I tried my hand in \"Art\". I called this Time Rules All. While it doesn't do him justice, Orthos' hero design is just SO GOOD.

Prioritizing in Light of PVP

Let's talk about PVP.
\"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.\" - Muhammad Ali.
If you want your next hero to boost your PVP capabilities, definitely check out my PVP Guide and Playlist. I'll quickly mention just the state of the meta so you know what heroes work best, shoutout to u/AFKArty who is one of the players whose opinion I ultimately respect, and he recently released a set of cool PVP related content.
Let's briefly mention the most viable endgame PVP sets so you'll know what heroes work on them if you want to prioritize for PVP: Burst has Eironn Lorsan Zolrath Lyca and Zaphrael, People underrate Zaphrael a lot but he's viable in campaign too, u/crymeseveralrivers ( Grub ) predicted it very early. The Ainz godcomp we already mentioned is prominent and very hard to beat, Alna Cycle has Alna Twins Mortas Rowan and Ezizh, I also want to give a hot mention to a new meta set that's rising: Lucretia and or Daimon, alongside Ferael Silas and Athalia. Counterheal counters godcomp, Alna counters burst and CC is good into Ainz, so it's a rising tech team that's good into the current meta. It's not mentioned in the guide, but it's very strong in LC right now. Another mention goes to stall and celesgraveborn, Both of these are falling out of grace which is sad, but still usable and prominent in the hands of an experienced player.

Other Modes and Final Words

Now for the last section, we have Twisted Realm. Some of you want to invest in it to get better tree levels, or just for the sake of competition. Certain heroes justify investment plainly for their value here even before other heroes that are more viable in campaign - the most prime example of this would be Saurus, who even in the midgame will get you a good slot on many bosses. In the earlygame, there are a few heroes that will be easy to grab here and will work quite well - Daimon, Grezhul, Izold, and Warek are good examples of those. Gazing Mortas to elite+ is a luxury option that will really help you into many sets, and lastly, twins are ever so important in this mode as well, which is one of the reasons I advocate gazing them early.
What's next?
To delve further beyond, check out my channel and twitch, consider Liking Subscribing and Joining for perks and more endgame info before everyone else. While I base this on data, there's a lot of flexibility and other content creators are definitely worth checking - Here's some you shouldn't miss on, some known and some less known:
There's many more, and I'm probably forgetting some ( pls forgive <3 ) - but it's a good start. Best of luck in your endeavors for a better game, thank you for baring through, may you have the best of fun -
and I've been Linker - Peace :)
submitted by Leanker to afkarena [link] [comments]


Welcome everyone to OCP’s 100K party! There’s an open bar tonight, so get yourself a drink and settle in.
Usually events like this would be hosted by u/gwrgwir, but unfortunately he’s been called away by the Queen, to assist Amanda Gorman with a highly important mission - something about the ghost of William Blake, terrorising Simon Armitage’s succulents.
I’d like to begin with saying that we’d like this not only to be a celebration of OCP, but a celebration of the Reddit poetry community as a whole - not all of you will know this, but there’s a lot of love between the poetry subs, many of the mods and other long-term members have forged lasting friendships and created amazing projects together. And we’re a really quite incestuous bunch.
Definitely take the time to check out our sister sub poetry, which is the place for the discussion and appreciation of published works. collectiveworks, which is a project to bring together top-notch poetry from all across Reddit. poetry_critics, which is an excellent workshop sub, checkout their sidebar for some detailed guides on the craft and their ‘hall of fame’ for some astounding poetry. PoetsWithoutBorders, who are a small, but vibrant group of friendly and supportive poets.I’m sure that we all know and love shittypoetry. On the other end, i’ve recently discovered a very tasty sub, foodhaikus. And last, but not least, I implore you to never go near, look at, or even think about ocpoetrycirclejerk - just pretend that it never existed.
I must have missed so many excellent poetry subs, so definitely shoutout any I've forgotten in the comments.

Sub history and a word from the Gwr

March 2014 - u/Garyp714 and u/Jessicay started the split between Poetry and OCPoetry. Much work was done. Some drinks were had.
May 2014 - The first mod call opens on Poetry for OCPoetry. u/Gwrgwir, u/GnozL, u/Seraph_Grymm and others answer the call. Many drinks were had.
Later in May 2014 - Poetry started shifting OC to OCPoetry. It was determined that the primary goal of this sub was to be workshopping, which meant that the mod team would provide feedback to those who didn't receive any. Many late nights and a copious amount of drinking assisted in this noble goal.
2015/16, somewhere around 20-30K subscribers, the 2x feedback rule is introduced. Lots of drinks were had. Mods still helped out with user feedback, and changed flairs manually. Even more drinks were had all around in celebration.
2017/18, we were at about 40k subscribers, and while the feedback rule remained in place, we removed the flair system (it was getting to be too much work for too small a team). Oh god, so many more drinks were had all around in celebration.
2019/2020 we hit 50k subscribers at the beginning of the pandemic. An absurd amount of drinking happened worldwide.
(Disclaimer: excessive drinking can cause both short, and long term memory loss, this timeline is only a loose representation of the actual history of OCP. In fact, it is widely agreed by modern scholars that the true history of OCP, which is now lost to the dark corners of Reddit, involved even more drinking)
And that brings us to now - a bit over 6 and a half years running, and we're hitting 100K subscribers. That's insane for a niche sub, to my mind. 100,000 different people want to see what other poets like them write on a nominally regular basis. It makes my heart and what's left of my liver swell with pride (well, maybe the liver swelling's due to all the drinking). I mean, holy schnikes. 100,000 unique individuals who care enough about writing and workshopping poetry that they're going to click a little button on their device of choice and potentially see something you wrote - and maybe even give you feedback on it. I'd say poets would kill for that sort of exposure, but I know we're all starving artists and more likely to kill that dollapound/what-have-you menu at our local foodery establishment. Sure, I'm not around as much as I used to be - but available time has no effect on the care I have for this place/you collective lot of absolute madlads and lassies. I'm reminded of the Liverpool FC theme song, but to save your ears and my sanity, I'll refrain from making a horrifying attempt at singing it and possibly summoning something from the Lovecraft mythos in the process. Instead, I'll raise a (figurative to you but very real to me, and soon to be very empty in order so that it can be refilled) glass with something unspecified in it (that smells suspiciously like good whiskey). Here's to 100K subs - and here's to 100K more. Slàinte Mhaith.

A little love from CG

The history of this niche poetry workshop sub isn’t only it’s divisions, and structural changes, or leaders, and etc., but more fundamentally it’s history is yours; after all it’s your indiscriminate daily devotion, maybe weekly, maybe monthly, maybe yearly eyes, which snag on titles and leave excited comments - maybe only comments to post your own writing, but still...those are engagements that could push another’s life in an alternative direction. They did for me.
And believe it or not, folks, I haven’t been around here forever. In fact, reading u/gwirgwr’s history blurb, I’ve hardly been here for more than a quarter of the journey! And now I’m *here*, and all of us are *here*, or aren’t, but most importantly your writing continues to be read and encouraged by others in this little rectangle of light, laying on a counter to my left; it’s 10:00 PM and I’m writing this when the sub is teetering over ~98,000. It’s the end of the first day of a new virtual semester (Go Tar Heels etc. etc.) and I’m chowing down on some lentils and homemade French fries. The Exxon gas stations around this bend in highway 54 gleam, somewhat like the immeasurable light from a dozen Bodhi trees — for real.
I’m scrolling desktop OCPoetry and reading all of your wonderful poems. I’m reminded of posting my first poem here just about three years ago, and then having it promptly removed by Automod for not having any feedback links; like what? I have to give feedback to receive it? Not that I particularly enjoy stories which overemphasize some great, mechanistic chain of events, but since then, this sub has massively altered the trajectory of my life. Now, I am actually enjoying my classes, uniting my daily writing with a practice of Buddhism and listening to my late grandfather’s vinyl records. This year, I hope to put-out a few limited releases for some handmade books from a personal press. Below, I’ll be sharing an early version of one of those projects!!! And this is all to say thank you to this vibrant, encouraging, and challenging sub. And when I talk about *this sub*, I mean *you*; yes, you — and all of your encouraging/careful/uncircumcised/silly/thoughtful/rubbish/deliciously (in)human comments, your feedback hustling, and your ducking stupid brilliant poems.
all of that mess, including our rag-tag oligarchy of top-of-the-goddamn-line moddies (myself ever so included) working to produce this conglomerate of a subreddit, which has just suddenly tipped into utter fame and fandom — 100,000; one hundred thousand; well, ok, it’s just a number — just a number, and, yeah, but just get a look at all those zeros...man, that’s Fortune 500 resume material right there, right? So, let’s pick up the pace, folks. Keep writing consistently; keep reading obsessively; keep workshopping each other, remembering to question and challenge your writing just as much as others; keep on keeping on, yo. Aaaaannnndd, now, here is some cool shit that’s happened in our utterly brief existence:

Cool shit from Reddit poetry

The Best of OCP
These are compilations of the top 100 karma earners for each year, pieced together lovingly by the mods - Year 5 was actually the first time I got any of my work in a thing. I went out and told all of my friends, and they were like ‘I don’t know what that is, but I am very happy for you’ - Year 6 even includes top picks from the mods.
Year 1-3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
The Gwr collection
A little collection of works, from users of this very sub.
Casual G’s bit and bobs
OCP’s most loveable mod feeds you a near-endless stream of a niche form, of a niche artform - free flarf for the flarf lovers / flarf to the max / flarf is no flarfing matter / flarfing all over your face / the good flarf.
Casual's ongoing book project [cattle]
Casual's Ekphrastic chapbook
Casual's Dope Spreadsheet of Mags/Presses/& Random Links
The Machine Poetry Collection
This was a fun little project that CG and I put together with u/wassname from the Perth Machine Learning Group, for the Perth Fringe Festival a few years back - I distinctly remember that they had created a ‘poetry battle robot’. I never got to see the thing in action, but it sounded terrifying.
This gorgeously conceived online publication, which has been created by long-term users of OCP and Poetry, is best summarised through its mission statement: “Dovecote Magazine is an inclusive, quarterly poetry journal that publishes the work of established and emerging writers.We seek to confront the 21st century headlong and with humanity. To publish poetry that feels crisp and new; poetry that explores rough edges of humanity instead of attempting to smooth them.”
I hear that, for the moment, they’re on a brief hiatus, so definitely keep on checking in for more outstanding poetry - or to keep an eye out for when to submit.
Although they’ve yet to publish their first issue, Oraclebone is absolutely worth a mention, as it’s currently being pieced together by a few long-term users of various Reddit poetry subs; u/Lastliondance, u/Garmo738 & u/W33nuz - these guys are all fantastic poets, each with a strong eye for good poetry (that’s three strong eyes). Check Oraclebone for updates, and the next submissions window.
Volume 1 Volume 2
This amazing poetry project was created with the goal of showcasing some of the best work from OCP. Each issue contained ten of the most upvoted poems from that month, seven that were voted for by the users of the sub, and three chosen by the mods - sadly this only lasted for two issues, as u/Sam_Gribley was unable to find the time between life, the universe and everything.
Series on the craft from our Wiki
Poetry Primer
Bad Poetry
The Body PoeticPoetry HacksA Brief History of Rhyme
Feedback Forum
u/Beumuth’s Feedback Terminology
Anyone starting out in the fantastical world of poetry, need look no further than our Wiki for detailed guides on how this magical language is pieced together. This is where I learnt to write poetry, and look at me now, there’s two real life books on my shelf with some of my poetry in, that I didn’t even make myself. And i’ve got a button that I press that makes my username go green, for when I need to tell people off for being naughty. I mean, it’s not much, but give it a few years.
I’m sure i’ve only scraped the surface of the amazing projects that have been created through the years, in our wonderfully niche corner of the internet - despite my digging, I couldn't find links for loads of really cool shit. Definitely chuck a comment down below if there’s anything you remember, or anything you want to share.

OCP’s 100k party open mic

We will be hosting an open mic on the Poetry Discord to celebrate, absolutely everyone is welcome - but please make sure to familiarise yourself with how the system works, before getting involved.Here is a quick newbs guide:
  1. get yourself an account on Discord
  2. Follow this link to join the Poetry Discord server
  3. Get on to the #Openmic channel when the event is due to begin (always double check your timezones and arrive a little early)
  4. We have a bot setup to create a queue, you can join this queue when the host uses the ‘$startopenmic’ command in the text channel. You’ll find the commands that you can use in the text channel, below:
$join - Add yourself to the queue $whoNext - who is next? $queue - lists the whole queue $remove - remove yourself from the queue
  1. You’ll be prompted in the text channel when it’s your turn to read in the voice channel - make sure that when you’re not reading, you’re muted on the voice channel - and that’s pretty much it. Read a couple of poems, remember that you can always add yourself into the queue again to read more. And the most important thing is, that if you’re feeling nervous, that’s good, that’s part of the excitement of the experience - read slow and allow the listeners space to appreciate your words.

Tell us what you love about poetry on Reddit

We want to hear all your shoutouts to amazing subs, projects, publications, books and guides etc. that’ve come out of the Reddit poetry community through the years. We absolutely want to hear about your favourite users; the best poems you’ve read, the best feedback you’ve received. Tell us about how amazing it felt the first time you had a poem published. Or you may feel compelled to add to this wall-of-text with a good, long, gushing comment about what this community has done for you.
I’d like to end by saying that I have spiked the punch, but don’t worry, they’re very good drugs from a reputable source - also that, this community has an absolute glut of talent. As I've said in other gushy mod posts, we’re cresting the wave, what you’re creating day-in, day-out, is the freshest of fresh new poetry. What’s in the folds of your grey matter, in the beds of your fingernails or the tip of your tongue, could be the next big thing. And it all starts here. So let’s all raise a glass to cliched and poorly conceived attempts at inspirational speeches at the end of long, gushy posts, and to this beautiful fucking community. Cheers!
See you all again at the 1M party.
TLDR; our sub got 100,000 subscribers, so we all got drunk and created a wall-of-text confessing our love.
one million and five edits: I think we can all agree that the current Reddit text editor is a fucking bastard when it comes to formatting.
submitted by ParadiseEngineer to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

Destruction AllStars Quality of Life Improvements Suggestions Megathread

Destruction AllStars has been out for a day now and there's certainly some elements that are still rough around the edges, as well as other features that are still awaited.
Here's everything so far:
- A leaderboard showing overall rank or a ranked mode.
- Make it clearer where your damage came from.
- Custom/private lobbies - have custom multiplayer games with friends you invite and be able to play any of the modes together privately.
- Music is an issue mainly players are bringing up, during matches, music distinguishes the arenas a bit more, lively, and overall, really improves the stadium atmosphere of the game. For this, you could maybe employ third-party Electronic artists to create songs for the soundtrack, maybe the rock genre or a variety of genres would work best. It'll really liven up the atmosphere for sure, because at the moment matches feel a bit empty without it, even with using Spotify. Maybe give the game more of a Destruction soundtrack and make it feel like destruction?
- More modes overtime when the game blows up.
- Reduce the maximum amount of AllStars allowed in Mayhem from 4 to 2, not every AllStars has a defence in mind.
- Gamemodes are sometimes completely and horribly unbalanced, like 4v8. Being a lobby with 4 Bluefangs, for example, tips the scale entirely. There must be a way to prevent this, surely.
- 1v1 mode
- Competitiveness is an issue when it comes to multiplayer depending on character abilities, some are just too overpowered, (like Lupita), and some are just too underpowered, (like Twinkleriot). So, overall, there are a lot of balance issues when it comes to characters.
- Paywall for mainly every "character story," will definitely turn people away from the game, instead maybe let players pay for the challenges with Destruction XP that they earn from playing matches, or remove the paywall entirely. You can make people pay for customisation, but probably not the challenges. (This is a frequent thing a lot of players are commenting on).
- A way to earn Destruction Points in-game alongside Destruction XP instead, if you do not like the above idea, as then we can buy the challenge series without having to pay. Most players don't want to pay for the single player content, that should really be free.
- Skins for both cars and characters would be better if they looked rather different than just colour swap.
- More gamemodes, etc. for when the game gets a higher demand. (Devs are most likely already working on this.)
- Make stockpile like call of duty domination. For every amount of time (5 sec whatever) you hold a bank, your team gains points added to a total. This decides who wins instead of banks when time runs out.
- Gridfall has a fog of war slightly lowering the amount of space you have to run around as players are eliminated.
- Fuegos burn effect says it's supposed to act on a ram but seems to not work properly. Very inconsistently gives ignite effect.
- You need to be able to accrue points (or gears) in Stockpile for every X number of seconds controlling an objective. As it stands right now, 95% of what you do in the match doesn't matter, because all it comes down to is who has the majority of objectives as time expires.
- Enable parties to play solo modes together against bots?
- Party members highlighted in green to make it clearer where your party members actually are.
- Raise the limit of 8v8 in a party, to something like 16v16 for bigger friend groups/Esports competitions.
- You currently can't really play with friends accurately, and there are only 2 modes for parties, (Stockpile, all one-team, and Tornado modes), and not being able to play with small friend groups is a disappointment. Parties should be able to play every gamemode, multiplayer and solo. Consider adding 2v2 and 4v4 teams, it wouldn't affect gameplay at all for smaller parties. So maybe some sort of Duos, Squads, etc.? Having to play with friends on modes like Tornado, you're separated, and that's no fun.
- Having teams in Gridfall, a player suggested that dead teammates could control the arena destruction.
- AIs could fill gaps with modes playable in private games if not enough players/players want to practice in teams against AI.
- Ability to mute players easier. (PS button, you'll see a voice chat card; simply hover over the voice chat card, press Square, and now everyone is muted.)
- Considering a battle pass sort of thing with new items like Fortnite, Fall Guys, etc. to give players something to work up to/make them actually want to come back to the game.
- Character details should be added to the” Customise” or some other section. There needs to be a way to see the arena before choosing a character. As of now, you only find out once you've entered the Arena. Similarly, it would be nice to scroll through Hero descriptions instead of having to exit out, select a new hero, and open their description. There's simply not enough time in the pre-game lobby to be jumping in and out of menus like that.
- Change the control layout. It's hard to play when you can't use the camera stick when driving.
- Duos and Squads Mayhem, (or Gridfall), game mode, where the score is accumulated between your teammates.
- Make it more clear for beginners that you’re always blue, as it can be quite confusing especially in the 8v8 modes.
- Change the control layout. It's hard to play when you can't use the camera stick when driving.
- Add guns or more combat to play on foot. So far, players find being on foot to be near useless.
- More consistency with the takeovers and wrecks when you mount a car, players find the dodging to be a hit and miss.
- Make the text bigger.
- Top 8 or even top 4 in solo modes should get some sort of victory screen, not just the person in the first place. Of course, still have differences in XP gains. 1/16 people feeling like they won isn’t good for the game.
- In Carnado there should be 4 ramps leading up to the tornado instead of just placed in the middle. This will add some strategy to team play as there are designated chokes cars to have to get through in order to score. Adds more defensive tactics.
- Better UI for the minimap that provides more in-depth information. Currently coordinating in an 8v8 doesn't seem viable even with a party chat. All of my teammates look like blue arrows so when one of them asks for help I can't figure out where they are without driving in circles hoping I run into them. Would be nice if the minimap UI included some kind of symbol or tiny face icon on each player's arrow to help you figure out who is who.
- More diverse modes would be nice too. For example, a speedrunning mode for on foot only, where players need to wall run, dodge, and jump to get the fastest time. Or Gridfall on foot only might be fun too. Then for cars, they could add track time trials too.
- For the multiplayer modes, having 3 different types of cars should have weapons to add more variety to the gameplay. Right now, everyone is driving mindlessly around. Make the tiny car have working cosmetics, for example, a machine gun, that does very little damage while the bigger truck one can have like missiles on cooldown or something.
- Make menu size bigger with accessibility options in the menu to increase text size, etc. specifically, for the menu, though. Players have a hard time reading the titles/costs of cosmetics in the customize section.

Suggest more on the #quality-of-life channel in the Discord server: discord.gg/6sFwfxnmsg
submitted by Groundbreaking_Elk19 to DestructionAS [link] [comments]

Answering some common questions

Been on the discord server and saw a lot of the same questions being repeated over and over so I decided to make post. If I'm incorrect somewhere, please correct me.
How many times should I refill my stamina?
tl;dr: 3-6 ideally as F2P. More than that is costly for F2P.
Ideally you do it 3-6 times as the jewel cost is only 40 for the first three and 60 for the next three. Any more will cost 100 or more jewels which will be harder to sustain as a F2P
Should I clear a lower difficulty dungeon instead if I can't kill the boss of a higher difficulty?
tl;dr: Higher difficulty if you can beat everything before the boss
Always aim for the higher difficulty dungeon if you can clear everything up to the boss. Red chests give 100 more dungeon coins and have more stages when you go to a higher difficulty dungeon. If you can clear all but the boss, you will still gain more dungeon coins than full clearing the previous dungeon.
See this chart for all Dungeon Coin drops.
Should I use my amulets to ascend my characters?
tl;dr: Save for future limited characters who can't be ascended without amulets (and they need a LOT)
Ideally you want to save them for limited characters, characters in the future who are not farmable and therefore cannot ascend without using amulets. For a 3, you will need 1150 amulets to get them to 5\. It is fine to spend a few amulets here and there to ascend your units when they are very close to ascending.
See this chart for amulet cost to ascend.
Should I rank up characters even if I only have a few / no equipment at the next rank?
tl;dr: Yes if no refined equipment on this rank, maybe if you do have some refined (mostly depends on if you're having trouble), and yes if you're ranking up to rank 2, 4, or 7
If you haven't refined anything, you should rank up as the base stats of the gears are added to your character when you rank up so there is no stat changes or at least a minor one for a full equipped rank x vs no equip rank x+1.
If you have refined some equipment, it depends on how much equipment you have at the next rank.
If you have no equipment, it might be better to wait if you were having trouble as refined stats are lost when ranking up.
If you do have some equipment, you may want to rank up depending on how much you refined and how much equipment at the next rank you have. A higher rank with at least 3 equipment on the right side is about equal to a refined lower rank and might have some extra stats like tp boost. Of course, a full equipped and refined lower rank is still stronger than a higher one with only one or two equipment.
If the next rank unlocks a skill (Rank 2, 4, and 7), it is best to rank up even if you have a lot of refined equipment at this rank and no equipment for the next. This is because new skills are major power spikes for most characters and can be a big game changer (such as Yukari unlocking her heal at rank 4 or your DPS gaining hundreds of attack from their EX at rank 7).
Should I refine my equipment?
tl;dr: No unless you're having trouble or at max rank (rank 7 for now)
Generally it is a bad idea to refine your equipment as you want to rank up as soon as possible. Refining equipment gives more stats, with a full refined equipment doubling it's stats. However, on rank up you lose all bonus stats, all mana spent on refining, and only half of the refinement points back in refinement crystals. You essentially waste resources when you rank up.
This is, of course, not to say that you shouldn't refine at all. If you're having trouble in stage that you're just barely beating, refining some equipment can be the boost needed to clear it. Refining early on isn't too expensive when you're just refining a few equipments; it's just lost resources when ranking up. Also if you reached the highest rank (currently rank 7), you may as well refine everything while we wait for the next rank.
What is a bracket?
tl;dr: basically a group that keeps getting more players until it is full. Then those players fight amongst themselves while a new bracket is formed and players are funneled into that one instead.
A bracket is essentially a group of players fighting each other based on when they unlock that arena, with bots filling in all empty ranks. For example, a new bracket for Battle Arena is formed and completely filled with bots. When players unlock Battle Arena, they are sent to that bracket. At first they will see a large amount of bots but as more players join that bracket and climb, they'll start seeing less bots and more players. This continues until a limit is reached and the bracket is full. The bracket is then closed and a new one is formed, funneling all new players who unlocked Battle Arena to that one while the previous bracket stops gaining new players. The same applies for Princess Arena.
How do I know which bracket I am in?
tl;dr: check the top player and compare to this list
There isn't really a way to know which bracket you're in officially so most players name brackets based on the top ranking player in that bracket. If you don't recognize any of the top player's name and see a lot of common bot names, you may be in a newly formed bracket.
Here is a document created by other players listing the current brackets for both Battle Arena and Princess Arena as well as a list of known hackers (yes we have a hacking problem).
How do I know when a bracket is created?
tl;dr: You don't unless someone else announces it
If you unlock an arena and none of the top ranking players in the document above, congrats! You might have entered a new bracket and can fight against bots.
If you're waiting though, there really is no way to know unless someone else enters a new bracket and announces it.
This one is not a question but people keep doing it
The 5 main tanks we have right now are
Pecorine (1*): Weak early on but tanks well in both PvE and PvP once invested in (2* and maybe rank 7).
Rima/Lima (1*): Good tank for PvP, bad tank for PvE due to not having any self healing
Miyako/Pudding (2*): Very good anti-physical tank for PvP and PvE (majority of PvE are physical attackers)
Kuka (2*): Very good anti-magic tank for PvP and PvE (only for stages with large amounts of magic damage though).
Nozomi (3*): Very good all around tank for PvP and PvE.
These 5 are the main tanks we have so far. The others are either off-tanks or just not a tank at all. Just because they are in the front does not mean they are tanks. Makoto is not a tank. Kaori is not tank. Please stop using them as tanks or they will die very very quickly.
Left some stuff out that I'm not informed enough to answer (like future banners or JP stuff), depends on personal opinion (waiting for new brackets), or too specific to answer (team comps).
Links were taken from the Discord server's pins so I'm not really sure who to credit them to.
submitted by AlternativeReasoning to Priconne [link] [comments]

That One Man Army on EXP Lane - Solo Laning/Offlaning Guide

That One Man Army on EXP Lane - Solo Laning/Offlaning Guide
Each member of the team is like an internal organ, and the offlaner is one of the kidneys. You need at least one to live a life and you will have a difficult time if you have none. The solo laner, or the offlaner, is a very specific role that you need to consider in your games. You will always be the 1 in 1-3-1 and in 1-2-2. Hey! My name is Ryan and I have made a guide that I hope informs you on how to play Offlane.
This guide was first drafted on November 10, 2020 and was posted on MobileLegendsGame subreddit on February 4, 2021. The latest hero released was Paquito.
I only play offlane


I expect the reader to have background knowledge on the basic acronyms and terminologies used in the game. I suggest learning a handful of the basic acronyms and terminologies because not only will I be using them here on this guide, but also I will not be elaborating or defining any of them.

1. Overview

Where should I be laning?
The answer to this question is simple, it's EXP Lane/Turtle Lane. The EXP Lane is where you will be spending most of your early game trying to get your potential game changing ultimates as soon as possible. Gold Lane should never be your first option, because no matter how good you are, Mobile Legends is a team-oriented game and you're not the Marksman.
One of the things that distinguishes an experienced player from a beginner is their understanding of laning. A capable offlaner isn't just how many kills you have or how many people you have CCed, but it's about your macro management. Offlaning is a demanding role that tests your macro skills and map awareness. Your goal as an offlaner is to make sure that half of the map is handled by you. Whichever side EXP lane is on, you go solo while your 4 other teammates do their tasks.

2. What Heroes should be Offlaning?

I will not be telling you what specific hero you should be picking, because the meta changes overtime and citing the current meta's offlane heroes would be very short-sighted of me. However, I have observed qualities/traits that have stayed consistent across all the metas when it comes to offlane heroes.
  • Your offlane hero should not be buff dependent.
  • Your offlane hero should have some form of sustainability to minimize the amount of time you would be recalling back to base.
  • Your offlane hero should have 1v1 potential.
  • Your offlane hero should have fast waveclear from either Basic Attacks or AoE skills.
  • Your offlane hero should have tools to survive an enemy gank. (like Blink or Purify-like skills)

3. What is your gameplan as an Offlaner?

One of the important tasks of offlaning is upholding the responsibility of taking care of your lane. Your teammates should be able to trust you to take care of your lane when they leave you alone and help other allies instead. The best way to start is by picking the right hero. Usually the Fighters are assigned on EXP Lane, because they qualify for most, if not, all of the requirements needed for an Offlaner. There are exceptions like the occasional Brawler-like Tanks and Frontlining Mages, but they also meet the requirements to be an Offlaner. In short, you need to be responsible for your lane.
Another important task would be pushing the lane you were given. It is your duty to clear the incoming minion waves and push the enemy turret right in front of you. Not only will you be securing an objective which will give everyone gold, but it will also reward you with more gold everytime you hit the turret with the gold shield present. In my experience, you will get up to 180-200+ gold (assuming you're using a melee hero) if you were pushing the enemy turret undisturbed. That amount of gold pales in comparison to what the Gold Crab or Jungle Creeps could give you during the early game. Pushing turrets is not only your duty, but also your reward. That's not all, if you are a consistent threat on taking down the sidelane towers, the enemy team would have to send 1, or possibly, 2 people to defend that lane which would give your teammates the numbers advantage during teamfights.
I know I said that EXP Lane is your responsibility, but you are also expected to be defending midlane. Sometimes the ally Jungler and Midlaner will leave Midlane to go to the opposite side of the map in an attempt to secure jungle objectives or gank the other lane opposite to yours. You have to be aware of their movements so that if you need to, you could leave your lane and defend Midlane as a substitute. Not only will this ensure that the most important lane tower from going down, but you will also gain extra Gold and EXP since you killed the incoming enemy minions from both the EXP Lane and Midlane. Just don't rotate to mid when the Jungler and Midlaner are present or else you'll slow down everyone's EXP and Gold growth. Be sure to clear your wave first before you go to Midlane too.
You should also help in securing jungle objectives and assisting in ganks. There will come a time where the ally Jungler would rotate to your lane. This is the only time where you're required to help them do whatever they plan to do on your side of the lane. If they're trying to gank your side of the map, help them by providing additional damage and CC. Just make sure your ally Jungler succeeds in what they were planning to do.

4. General Tips and Tricks

Where is EXP Lane?
  • During the Drafting Phase, you could tell where EXP Lane is just by knowing if you are either on the Blue Team or Red Team. EXP Lane will always be on Top Lane if you're on the Blue Team, while EXP Lane is always on Bot Lane if you're on the Red Team. As for game modes like Classic Mode or low-ranked Ranked Games, there is a prompt below the screen that looks like a really small and condensed version of the map. You'll be able to see the Hero Lane Preference of every hero in your team composition including yours. Keep this in mind for a quick roll out. I've seen too many offlane players accidentally rushing to Gold Lane and making a quick 180° only to waste that movement speed boost.
Hide in the bush (lol)
  • Always hide in the bush before clearing the first minion wave. Not only will you have the ability to assess who you will be against, but you will also have the element of surprise and a chance for First Blood.
Minions are friends, but they're also fodder
  • Minions are your best friends no matter what team they belong to. Use them to sustain of, block certain projectiles with, and push lanes. They are on your lane for a reason, so use the minions to your advantage.
Clear or Trade?
  • You have two choices as an offlaner to gain the advantage. They are either Clear or Trade. You either Clear the minion waves faster than the enemy offlaner so that you could do other objectives like securing the Gold Crab or rotating to Mid Lane to clear the minions on that lane, or you do Trades with the enemy offlaner where you take big risks to not only gain the advantage, but also cripple the progress of the enemy offlaner like aggressively clearing lanes or cutting lanes before both minion lanes meet. All you have to ask yourself is “Can I gain an advantage over the enemy offlaner, and if I can, what could I do with it?” Just remember to balance these two concepts and not over commit to only one, because it could backfire against certain heroes.
Keep in mind of your enemies' cooldowns
  • This ability isn't something that you could learn overnight, but it is worth keeping in mind. You could win duels just by remembering your enemies' cooldowns and capitalizing on their mistakes. Someone could argue that this tip could be applied to any role, but Offlaning puts that to the test in my opinion. You could slowly develop this ability by keeping in mind the cooldowns of the enemy offlaner and then slowly transition to more heroes as you train yourself.
To split push, or not to split push? That is the question that remains to be unanswered
  • Learn how to balance your responsibilities of split pushing and joining teamfights. Over commit to one responsibility and the enemy team could capitalize on the other. Split push if you know your team could handle a teamfight without you, or join teamfights when your team can't hold their own. If you only split push, you run the risk of your team losing a handful of teamfights and if you only join teamfights, you run the risk of not gaining the lane advantage and potentially lose a lane tower, because of the enemy offlaner who decided to split push. In the end, it's all about learning on how to balance both responsibilities.
Map Awareness
  • I have seen many Offlane players cry for help and blame the ally Jungler when they die from ganks. You could reduce the chances of the enemy launching a successful gank on you by having Map Awareness. Look at the map and ask yourself "Is the enemy MidlaneJungler on the map?" If yes, "What are they doing?" and if not, "Where could they be?" Just remember that the key to survive an enemy gank starts with you and your Map Awareness.
Learn when to cut lanes
  • Sometimes, there are moments in a game where you're dominating your laning opponent and they decide to Tower Hug in retaliation, leaving both of you on a stalemate. Your jungler is also not planning to rotate to your lane anytime soon which isn't helping either. Your first course of action should be cutting their lane before the minions meet. Successfully cutting a minion lane not only gives gold and exp, but also a chance to pressure their Midlane Tower or join in teamfights. Just be careful not to get ganked while cutting lanes.
What should I be doing once the ally Lord is on the move?
  • You shouldn't generally be with the Lord all the time. Instead of accompanying the Lord, clear the minions on the other lanes so that the enemy team will be pressured. You job is to make sure all lanes are simultaneously being pressured by clearing the minion waves, so that you could either go with the minions or the Lord.
What if my team is getting backdoored?
  • Everyone should stop what they're doing and go after the split pusher, but you as an offlaner is expected to be there and defend first. Don't wait for your teammates to swear at you or the ally mage to recall first.
Thank you to u/ScrEnd, u/WendyWillows, u/D_Mizuki, u/Vidhin_05, and u/ano-nomous for contributing their time to help me compose this guide and their knowledge for the general Tips and Tricks. You could join us and many others on the subreddit's discord server if you wan't to join in on the occasional game discussions. I would also like to thank u/pinkpugita, because they have set the standard for the quality of the guides, so that players, old and new, could have an easier and fun time playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. I just hope this guide could be as informative and impactful as their guides
submitted by ItzYaBoiAtlas to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

Join us on Last.fm Discord! It's a fun, always active music community based around Last.fm and an opportunity to be sociable with other users. Over 5,000 users!

Come and join the thriving community on Last.fm Discord! It's a partnered Discord music discussion server based around Last.fm, and the best way to be social and interactive with Last.fm. Join here: https://www.discord.gg/lastfm
Last.fm Discord is affiliated with lastfm (the very subreddit you're reading!) and has grown to become a bustling, constantly active music community with over 5,500 members and frequently over 30,000 human messages per day.
The community is open genre, meaning all genres and styles of music are welcome and are regularly a topic of conversation! Our eclectic userbase is sure to share your passions, be it for alternative, metal, hip-hop, K-Pop, jazz, ambient, classical, EDM, shoegaze, experimental, pop, bubblegum bass, or something else entirely! We have dedicated genre communities, from a K-Pop fandom to an elitism-free metal channel, so you're sure to find someone that's into exactly what you're into.
Our users range in age from their teens to older adult, with members from around the globe. We have various flavours of main channel, and aim to be a drama-free, anti-shitpost environment that's staffed in a laidback way, but with a moderator never far away if there's a need to step in.
Our major channels include our general channel where people discuss music, Last.fm, and anything else that's on their mind, a channel with no limit on bot commands that has a rapid fire, fast-paced chat atmosphere 24 hours a day, and our popular lounge, a place with a more mature, laidback vibe.
We have two Last.fm bots, including our server-exclusive "Who Knows?" bot. These bots can show your now playing, compare your tastes with other users, tell you who's scrobbled an artist, display statistics from your Last.fm account, look up artists, generate charts, and more. Our exclusive bot comes with two games: A game where you win crowns when you have the most scrobbles of an artist on the server, and an artist name guessing game. The crowns game, the most competitive iteration on all of Discord, is especially addictive!
We also regular events, including a weekly collaborative playlist, which runs every Monday. There's also spot collaborative playlists, occasional telephone games, and listening parties where our users listen to albums collaboratively. Our various genre channels also run events specificially focused on those areas. We have a high degree of cameraderie, including a quotes channel and a variety of server memes you're sure to learn about once you're involved.
We've also got genre-dedicated channels covering almost every style of music, a hub for Last.fm script and app developers, a games channel, a user leaderboard, a small merch and vinyl fandom, a user-curated new releases feed, and more!
As a large server, there's always something going on, and there's something for everyone. You can spend your time in our busy main channels, or if you don't like your communities to be too big, you can exist in the genre channels alone and get that small server feel. We also have a lounge that's explicitly geared toward our more mature users, with an even lower tolerance for low-quality posting.
Last.fm Discord isn't officially run by Last.fm, but we do have a Last.fm staff presence, and they keep an eye on trends and opinions within the server. The server owner is a Last.fm moderator and often passes on feedback to the Last.fm team, who have been known to drop in themselves as well.
You can join Last.fm Discord at this link: https://www.discord.gg/lastfm
(Unfamiliar with Discord? It's an application, available across platforms, that works like a chat room, based around instant chat in servers and channels. Think a modern version of IRC. It started out as a gaming thing, but it's increasingly popular for non-gaming topics, and worth checking out!)
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what are the best bots for a discord server video

There’s a reason MEE6 is one of the best Discord bots currently available. It comes with extensive features and support. You can also upgrade to a “premium” subscription package for even more features. Besides being the best bot for moderation, ProBot also extends the functionality aspect of your Discord server and allows you to create webpages, view statistics for your server, set automatic Serum is one of the best discord bots for games. It helps users to interact with the server using voice commands. It can be considered as a virtual assistant like Google assistant or Siri. That said, Serum has a limited number of commands, but it eliminates the need for leaving the game and then typing. Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Top Discord bots. Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Top Discord bots. Discord Bots - Top Voted Discord Bots Home; Join Discord The best Pokémon experience you can get on Discord! Catch shiny and legendary! EV train, hatch eggs, battle, train and trade Then you have to customize the bot and have to set good morning in it. It not only enhance the server but also strengthens your workload and time. Let’s check out the below-listed bots and let enhance your server with these best bots. List of Useful Discord Bots to Improve your Discord Server:-1) Pokecord Find the best Discord Roleplay bots for your server with our discord bot list. DISCORD BOT LIST Discord Roleplay Bots The best Roleplay bots voted by our community. IdleRPG. 1,130. 176,322 Gaming Roleplay An IdleRPG bot with shop system, characters, classes, dungeons, items, PvP, economy, gambling, marriage, music, guilds and much more! MEE6 is ranked among the best Discord bots. It allows you to highly moderate your server, lets you create custom commands, assign roles, and supports private messaging. It’s simply one of the best multipurpose Discord bots. Q. How Safe are Discord Bots? Discord Bots are generally safe if you add them from reliable sources. This system gives the users certain incentives such as let them earn XP and levels if they are active on the server. Where you stand in discord server is shown by a visual card which is quite appealing to the eyes. Add Tatsumaki. Read – 10 Best Voice Changer Apps for Discord. 3. Dank Memer. This discord bot is one of the highest-rated bots. The discord bots working include the platform of Windows, iOS, Android, Linux, and web browsers. There are many bots for Discord available in the market. We can add Discord bots to our server and improve the conduct of the servers. After searching we select the top and Best Discord Bots 2021 to enhance your server. The checklist is below Top 10 Best Discord Bots to Add to Your Server in 2021. Mac. Here are a few of my recommendations of the best Discord bots for 2021 to help you reach your goals and keep your server fun and

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what are the best bots for a discord server

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