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Assorted trivia about several champions' developments you might not have heard of!

I am fascinated by champion design and am excited to learn about what champions didn't become as much as what they did, not because I believe that their initial designs were better, but there's just so much damn creativity and awesome ideas that I believe should've been allowed to exist to some degree in a better world.
I don't have trivia on every single champion because Riot doesn't publicly disclose every idea they tried out (they "icebox"/"put on hold" rather than outright cancel, as some ideas may be revisited in the future, so they like to keep their better ideas under wraps), but here's a list of some of my favorite ideas from the champions Riot has spoken up about.
(note: these might be common knowledge to some, but I felt like making this post on the offchance you don't because chances are that nobody's aware of all of these. If you do, congrats!)
AATROX: For his 2018 VGU, a few abilities were tested:
AHRI: From Riot's ORIGINS post:
AKALI: For her 2018 VGU, they considered letting her "ride" projectiles from other champions (say, a Jinx rocket), but it was too impractical and annoying to work with. They also made it so her smoke bomb created a dragon-shaped billow in the center (which was shown in her rework's teaser image), but it was cut for clarity.
APHELIOS: From Riot's Champ Insights post:
AURELION SOL: As some of you might know, ASol was originally planned to be a different champ: a long, serpentine storm dragon named Ao Shin. He was reworked because Riot had a lot of trouble with the technical aspects of the idea -- He was apparently "10-12 Teemos in length" and they wanted him to be able to wrap his body around enemies, but this made it hard for him to hide in bushes, and it consumed a ton of his power budget (he needed to be fast enough to move around enemies and tanky enough to survive them fighting back).
AZIR: Lotttttt of stuff from his ORIGINS post, too much to include here. the tl;dr version was that he was envisioned as a sand mage named Seth since 2013-14, and was reworked countless times due to technical and creative issues.
BARD: Originally for his passive, Riot gave him the ability to go through several different color versions of Meeps that would boost his abilities, and they would all continuously follow behind him like Pikmin. Testing made them prefer simpler upgrades to basic attacks over his abilities, resulting in his passive's current state.
DIANA: Yknow how that recent rework where they made her Moonfall (circle-surrounding ability) her ultimate? It turns out this was (kind of) the original plan when she was first made: it was a channeled AoE that dealt true damage based off a resource called "Scorn", but was replaced for being "toxic and nearly impossible to counter."
EKKO: They wanted to make his ultimate be able to properly rewind enemies along with him, but no matter what they tried, it was considered too busted and confusing. Also, they were developing Bard alongside him, and during a phase in playtesting, Bard had an ultimate where he would globally silence enemies, making games with both of them being globally annoyed no matter what.
EVELYNN: From her Champ Insights revolving her 2017 VGU, Riot originally wanted to make her scarier and demonic, with "spider legs, cracked porcelain skin with shadows pushing their way out, the cavity of a missing eye you could peer into and see three eyes within." They thought it was too much.
GALIO: One idea for a passive in his 2017 VGU was the ability to roost on top of turrets (or the remains of one), allowing him to cast spells at an increased range. When he jumped off, he could also chain it into his ultimate.
GANGPLANK: One tested idea for his 2015 VGU was an ultimate nicknamed "Pirate Gundam", summoning a giant, tanky unit that would either fire cannonballs or do a nerfed version of Malphite's ult. It didn't work out since it felt too powerful and required a ton of additional focus in visuals to implement it in game.
GNAR: Originally, Mega Gnar's ult had him swallow a unit whole, and was directly said to have inspired Tahm Kench's entire "devour" mechanic. This is a case of a good idea being reused for later -- the ability tested well, but they preferred it be the core mechanic to a new champion than tacked onto someone as uncontrollable as Gnar.
JHIN: From his Champ Insights, Jhin was originally envisioned as a "mysterious robot cowboy bounty hunting sniper" codenamed Deadeye. His design was fragmented, but while Jhin became a new psycho artist gunman, the design inspired his High Noon skin.
JINX: From her ORIGINS post:
KAI'SA: She was always meant to be a marksman, but went through different ideas in ideation. Concepts included an ex-Purifier (Lucian's faction), a Vampire hunter that became a vampire, a Zaunite life-essence-drainer, and even an idea that she was part of a new breed of void monster trying to imitate humans.
KAYN: Originally they wanted Kayn to be Xayah and Rakan's nemesis (and was codenamed during development as "Nemesis"), but they decided to cut this because his relationship with Zed and conflict with Rhaast was more interesting.
MISS FORTUNE: Riot toyed with giving her a new voiceover around 2018 (around the same time they recorded the voiceover for her Gun Goddess skin), but it was scrapped after they tested some lines out and internal feedback was mixed; nobody could really agree on what they were looking for from her characterization, and they concluded that changing it was a worse decision than leaving it be.
MORDEKAISER: Lots of really cool ideas were thrown around for his 2019 VGU:
MORGANA: For her dual VGU with Kayle, they tested some new abilities on her just to see if there was anything worth changing. One significant ability was making her ult have tiers like with Kayle, with each rank giving her new stats, but the only one that stuck was giving her bonus movement speed.
RAKAN and XAYAH: The two were conceived as a "botlane duo", so different ways they could do duo mechanics were tested:
RAMMUS: The reason Rammus is so quiet is because when Riot (very early on in the game's life, to remind you) did try to give him a proper voiceover, but it sucked and they recorded a new one in 15 minutes. The rest is history!
RIVEN: From her ORIGINS post, Riven went through a lot of kit experimentation, especially with her ultimate. The descriptions of what they tried with her are much funnier than anything I can relay.
RYZE: Not exactly to do with the champion himself, but for his "Call to Power" short, there exists an unused model of a Zaunite assassin and concept art of him with a little girl (who I believe is Daisy from Annie's short?)
SHACO: Sometime around 2017, they tested giving him a rework. One of the tested abilities was an ultimate where he turned himself into a missle that fired in a direction. When he collided with Yasuo's Wind Wall, he never came back. "The entire design team stood up and gave the Yasuo player a standing ovation."
SYLAS: He was envisioned as a "copycat" champion since the beginning, but went through different ideas:
TALIYAH: From her Champ Insights:
URGOT: A few, kind of wacky ideas were tested for his 2017 VGU:
VI: One early stab at her "Piltover Enforcer" idea was that she was a steampunk capoeira fighter with dreads and robot legs. It apparently sounds cooler than it actually looked.
WARWICK: One idea for his 2017 VGU was to be able to turn other allies into werewolves, allowing them to roam around the map as a wolf pack. Not exactly "Warwick", but very cool.
YORICK: One ability was tried out for his 2016 VGU where could resurrect allies, with one version of them exploding like Kog'Maw. It was cut because 1) there wasn't a way to make it fun, and 2) this meant Yorick's power relied on his team dying.
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How can we get our shows back?

I'm not sure about you, but I like this show. I'm not sure why people aren't that comfortable with it, there are a few issues, but nothing that should really make people want to not watch it.
Long History of Previous Batman Cartoons
I am a huge fan of Batman. I love the character, although I've recently been reading and discussing the impracticality of the psychology of his origin and his creation of his own villains, but I still love the notion of a masked vigilante, fighting crime, and arguably more important, solving crime.
Since I do enjoy Batman's story and idea, I have watched almost all the animated Batman shows that have aired. (I haven't read a whole lot of the comics unfortunately, but I'd like to consider myself a fairly intelligent fan regardless) BTAS was also one of the greatest Batman shows ever. I don't know if I've meet a single person who can argue that BTAS or TNBA were not some of the most badass cartoons of their time.
Of course after BTAS ended(rather unsatisfactorily, I might add) there was Batman Beyond, still with the amazingly talented Kevin Conroy to voice Bruce Wayne, but with a new Batman entirely. And this too, was another great Batman show that so greatly encapsulated everything we love about the hero. Then there was Justice League, which continued to carry on the escapades of the Caped Crusader.
Then came a Batman show which some of the more hardcore Batman fans/fans of the previous programs I mentoned did not quite agree with: The Batman. First of all, someone else was the voice of Batman, which to some may not seem like a very big deal, but to us, the people who grew up with Kevin Conroy as Batman(literally Batman, Kevin Conroy was not the voice of Batman, he was Batman!) this was a weird shift.
Secondly, the style of the show was different, it didn't seem quite as dark as other shows had. The villains were different from those of the previous cartoons, but a lot of that can be attributed to the different drawing style for The Batman. Despite there being a few flaws in the show, it wasn't really that bad. Batman still kicked ass, there were still dangerous criminals and there was still Gotham City. (And the movie Batman vs. Dracula, although being a bit silly, helped to make up for the lack of darkness in the show)
And now we come to the only animated Batman show I haven't watched: Batman: The Brave and the Bold. When this show aired I had kind of lost touch with animated cartoons at the time, I wasn't super interested in this show or any show for that matter. Of course when I finally got around to looking it up, it looked super cheesy. Absolutely incredible the amount of cheese this show looked like it had, an Adam West Batman except animated.
So, simply because the show didn't look or feel like the dark Batman I had grown accustomed to, I never watched it. Although I have heard that a lot of people like the show because of the obscure villains that have been used, Bat-Mite's breaking of the fourth wall, the portrayal of certain comic book story lines not portrayed in other shows (i.e. Emperor Joker) and so on.
Beware the Batman Discussion
When I first heard of Beware the Batman, I was a little wary of a few things that I'd heard about it
  1. Alfred running around with guns, playing sidekick
  2. Katana actually being the new sidekick(I've always liked Robin, and I especially like Dick Grayson because I love Nightwing and I was hoping that the new Batman show would see some more play from him, but unfortunately that's not the case)
  3. How this new CGI animation would look
Well, I have not been watching the show as it airs, or used to air, on Saturdays, but I have been keeping up online, through various streaming sites. And I have to say, I love this show. It has successfully achieved the darkness that I wanted, definitely more so than BTAS. Katana doesn't seem like that bad of a choice for a sidekick and Alfred(thus far) hasn't being shooting anyone with guns.
In addition to those pros, the voice actor for Bruce Wayne is surprisingly good. He's no Kevin Conroy, but he pulls off a very nice Bruce Wayne and Batman. This show also delivers on its original promise of using villains that no one has ever heard of. To me, that's a truly great mark of show, still being able to implement original ideas despite the overall concept being somewhat recycled. I haven't seen a single villain in this show that I have in any other show and I think that's fucking awesome.
Another absolutely stunning facet of BTB is that Batman is actually a detective. Bruce Wayne in this show can actually make observations, deduce things, and form reasonable conclusions based on the evidence presented to him. To be completely honest, no other Batman did this, well perhaps the Batman from Brave and the Bold did, but I have no way of knowing.
Batman is always described as being the world's greatest detective, but no show/movie has made a real effort to show that he deserves such a reputation, besides BTB. Bruce Wayne has a sense of almost hyper-observance in this show, and it's demonstrated in quite a few episodes, and personally I think it's stupendous. At several points, while watching this show, when Batman/Bruce makes an observation or proves a claim, I've thought My god, he's fucking Sherlock Holmes! and that's what you want Batman to be.
If you haven't watched the show Young Justice, do it now. Seriously, do it now, this post will be back for you when you're done(also if you've actually read this post for this long then I commend your patience) Young Justice is, in my humble opinion, the greatest culmination of visual, auditory, spiritual, and thought-provoking content ever produced in the twenty first century, or possibly in all of mankind's history.
To use a different description other than that does not do the show justice(pun, ehh, kind of) I'm not going to rant anymore about it, because I could, for days, but I do want to tell you that it was cancelled. I can assure you I'm not crazy, and many people feel the same way about this show that I just expressed to you, and yet, this critically acclaimed, Emmy-award winning show was cancelled.
YJ was cancelled along with Green Lantern: The Animated Series on DC nation, both shows technically finished, as in, their conflicts were resolved, but it was evident that there could've and would've been more episodes if the writers had had a chance to make more. I cannot vouch for the popularity or content of GTAS because I have never watched it, but I can tell you that YJ should not have ever been considered for cancellation, it was too good a show.
There's been numerous attempts to get the show back, but to no avail. One might ask "Well, since YJ got cancelled it obviously didn't have very good ratings and must not be as popular as you claim, right?" Wrong. Young Justice received excellent ratings, the writing for the show warranted these excellent ratings. However, these DC shows are not about ratings, they're about toy sales.
When the community asked writers Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti why YJ was cancelled if the ratings weren't that bad, and more importantly how could we as the community get the show back, they replied by saying that these shows are rarely about the ratings. They said that to get the show back we should buy the Young Justice toys, because that's where the real money is made.
The Actual Point
Beware the Batman appears to be close to cancellation. The voice actor for the show Anthony Ruivivar has tweeted that the show will return in January after the break that it's on now. This is the exact same thing that happened to YJ and GTAS before they were cancelled.
I cannot watch Cartoon Network throw away another perfectly good series. But I don't know how it prevent it.
I would say "Quick, buy some BTB toys!" except for the fact that you probably don't want to, I know I won't. And this isn't my attempt to use some sort of reverse psychology bullshit to make you feel pity on this show or me and get you to buy toys, in case you were thinking about that, I know I was, as I was typing that sentence I thought Wow, I sound kinda like a whiny bitch here
Anyway, ratings for these shows DO matter, but not as much as toy sales. Unfortunately this show has worse ratings than Batman: The Brave and the Bold did, that coupled with the fact that toy sales are probably not doing great and the show will repeat the pattern of two other cancelled shows means that it itself will probably be cancelled.
At this point, I don't know how to stop this, I just wanted to voice my(incredibly long) opinion and let those of you who didn't already know that toy sales really matter to these shows.
Your Opinions/Spread the word
So, in finality, I want your opinion on this. I know that there's only 17 people subscribed to this subreddit, and probably less than that number actually check it regularly, but I want your opinion on both my rant, and, if you don't like Beware the Batman, let me know why.
It's quite possible there are some big flaws in this show that I just can't see because I'm being blocked by my Batman fandom. So feel free to leave a comment of disagreement with what I've said.
And also, spread the word. Let people know about these great shows, and about the toy sales thing. Tell your friends about these shows, form/join groups online to discuss the shows, do something, anything. E-mail the writers, e-mail DC, e-mail Cartoon Network, start a Kickstarter, pitch in somehow.
This may seem like a lot for just wanting to watch some cartoons, but what else can I say, I'm passionate.
TL;DR Help find ways to stop our shows from being cancelled. Besides toy sales that is.
Edit: I just re-read this post and realized that I didn't really articulate my thoughts with as much clarity as I originally thought I did, so my apologies for that. I've been making a few grammatical/practical edits in an attempt to increase readability.
submitted by OmnicideFTW to BewareTheBatman [link] [comments]

why did impractical jokers get cancelled video

FUNNY IMPRACTICAL JOKERS COMPILATION 2020!! of Impractical Jokers- Did You Shush Me? (Punishment)  truTV ... Impractical Jokers Officially Ended After This Happened ... Impractical Jokers - Whoever Smelt It ... Dealt It Lee Unwraps A Dildo In Pass The Parcel  Impractical Jokers UK  What happend to Q from Impractical Jokers? The Tenderloins. Impractical Jokers.

Impractical Jokers TV show cancelled or Season 9 renewed?Impractical Jokers TV series ratings? The cancellation reaper is stalking all the latest cancellation and renewal updates, so keep this page to hand to track Impractical Jokers Season 9 status and release date news.. Impractical Jokers Canceled Or Renewed? It was cancelled after Series 2 in April 2014, mainly due to its unpopularity. However, more recently, Comedy Central and Channel 5 picked up the rights to co-produce a third season of Impractical Jokers UK Four longtime friends compete to embarrass each other with a series of hilarious dares. If they refuse, they lose. At the end, the big loser must endure an epic punishment. Impractical Jokers continue to build a strong base of fans since founding in 2011. Besides acting Sal is a humorous comedian who is also gifted with writing and producing. Impractical Jokers Renewal and Cancellation Resources. TV Renewal Scorecard 2017-18. Renewed/Cancelled 2016-17 Scorecard. TV Shows Renewed For 2016-17 TV Shows Cancelled In 2016-17. All Cancelled/Renewed Status Hubs. Why Do TV Shows Get cancelled? Find Out Here. TV Show Premiere Dates 2019 This event has been cancelled. You have seen the cast of Impractical Jokers on TV. Now come and see them live at Alabama Theatre on Saturday, June 22 at 7:30 p.m. This interactive comedy show features never before seen videos, audience question and answer, stand-up comedy, and more. Why did impractical jokers get Cancelled? It was cancelled after Series 2 in April 2014, mainly due to its unpopularity. However, more recently, Comedy Central and Channel 5 picked up the rights to co-produce a third season of Impractical Jokers UK with Yalli Productions, starring Late Night Gimp Fight. Impractical Jokers is notable for having a diverse catalog of international spinoffs, with localized takes on the Tenderloins' formula reaching from to Brasília to Beirut. is Impractical Jokers cancelled? good show better go to season 2. Answer Save. 3 Answers. Relevance. Anonymous. 9 years ago. Favorite Answer. No it's not gonna be cancelled. They're just waiting on the announcement of season 2. ~BCS. 1 0. promethium23. 9 years ago.

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why did impractical jokers get cancelled

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